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Sting rests his chin on his hand as he watches the event ahead of him with an uninterested expression. He had hoped the Grand Magic Games would be more action packed, but it turned out to be just the opposite. The games were so very predictable! Sabertooth always comes out on top!

He hopes that the year he gets to participate, the competition will be more fierce. Not like this snooze fest!

The ongoing competition comes to a close, and the weird pumpkin announcer guy cheerful, and unsurprisingly, declares Sabertooth the winner. The standings are displayed on the giant-ass lacrima in the middle of the stadium.

His eyes skimmed over the points. Sabertooth in first, Lamia Scale in second... Fairy Tail in last? Wait, they were still a thing? After Natsu and the others had disappeared, the guild had become completely irrelevant. He squinted his eyes to the guild's symbol sitting at the bottom of the screen. Judging by their pathetic score, they had given up. At least, they might as well have. The point difference between Sabertooth and Fairy Tail was far too wide; first place for them was downright unattainable.

"Kabo!" Sting's train of thought was broken by the rounded orange announcer's obnoxious voice, "Now, we'll be moving on to the individual matches! Firstly, we have Sabertooth's Takeo Hiro vs Fairy Tail's (Y/n) Dragneel!"

D...did he just say Dragneel? 

Sting staggers back in shock. Who was this girl, and why had he never heard of her? Could she be as strong as Natsu? Even stronger? As the images of the two opponents appeared on the lacrima, Sting observed Fairy Tail's representative carefully. 

(Y/n)- was it?- looked no older than he. She was slim, albeit, toned.  He also notes a few pink strands in her (h/c) hair, concluding that she must be related to Natsu. Her expression practically radiated determination and- was that a smile? What does she have to be so happy about? She was about to get her ass handed to her by one of Sabertooth's strongest. Poor girl's about to be humiliated; Dragneel or not, it didn't look like she stood much of a chance.

Takeo, that giant armadillo bastard, easily looked bigger and stronger than his opponent. On screen, the scaly brawn-over-brains laughs haughtily at her. "Pfft! This doesn't seem like your type of scene, doll face! But, since you've got a good lookin' body, I'll make you an offer- if you save yourself the trouble and give up now, I could show you a good time," a perverted smirk etched on Takeo's face as his hands reach out to the air in front of him and grinds his hips into the air. 

Sting scoffs in disgust as he rolls his eyes. This revolting asshole... 

Sting's gaze turns to the girl, watching for her reaction, conscientiously. He hopes she wasn't feeling too uncomfortable and, by some miracle, could beat Takeo's annoying ass for his lack of respect.

What the hell-

The Dragneel chick's smile had not faltered. The only change in her expression was her quirked eyebrows. Phew, he was glad she wasn't rattled by Takeo's awfulness. Pinky blinked once. Then she blinked twice. 

"No, thank you," she declines, her tone was viciously sweet, "I'm sure I could manage a battle against the likes of you, no problem." 

Oh, a bit of sass?

She seems so sure of herself, and Sting hopes to God that she wouldn't eat her words. But, huh, was she interesting. Suddenly, Sting believes that the games would be more interesting from now on.


Sting was utterly shocked. She had done it, and in ten minutes time too! He feels the corners of his mouth curve into a smile as he watches her stand triumphantly on the field with her arm raised. Her opponent was absolutely down for the count, evident through his incoherent sputtering and broken armadillo shell.  

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