Common Sense

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I highly recommend you guys listen to this song before you read the chapter ^. Today's read is a bit of a song-fic.


"Chapter 34- Water Out of Thin Air.... It is commonly known that the molecular structure of water is comprised of two hydrogen molecules and one oxygen molecule. However, air..."

Hm, will it be chilly outside today? Should I wear a sundress over my swimsuit? Would Sting- Ah- uhm... Where was I again?

Oh, yes... here.

"However, air is known to be largely composed of nitrogen and oxygen; only trace amounts of H2O may be present. .."

Wait, which bikini should I wear? He likes the red one, I know that, but do I wear it too often? Oh, God! I do! Should I go out and buy a new one really quick, or-? Gah! Distracted, again!?

Recently, (Y/n) had found herself unable to focus during her morning study sessions. She didn't understand herself! Just a few weeks ago, not even her friends had been able to pry her away from her book, The History of Ancient Water Magic. It had been super interesting before!

She supposed her brain found something else- or rather, someone else more interesting. Gah, her stupid teenage brain was at the mercy of her even stupider hormones!

(Y/n)'s head hit the mess hall table abruptly. To say she was frustrated was an understatement. That... beautifully toned, blue-eyed, smiling bastard was running circles around her mind! It had all started when she had (embarrassingly, might she add) kissed him on the cheek. She lacked any idea of what had compelled her to do so! Where was her common sense!?

Ugh! She could really use a cup of hot tea, right now. Perhaps it would help her to grasp at least some of her fleeting rationality.

"(Y/n)-chan, be careful! You'll damage the hardwood! We just got that replaced!" Kinana, the guild's favorite motherly figure (other than Mira), scolded. (Y/n) heard her place two cups on the tabletop as she pulled out a seat of herself.

(Y/n)'s head had risen just as fast as it had fallen to look at her kind savior. She practically lunged for one of the cups of- what looked like tea (thank God)- and gulped the liquid down in seconds. It was piping hot, but that mattered little to (Y/n). Besides, the pain would help her head get unstuck from the clouds.

"Ah~" She sighed- consider a sliver of rationality restored, "Thanks, mom! Have I ever told you that I love you?"

Kinana held a hand over her mouth as she giggled, "Yes, but not nearly enough, nowadays. You're always running off to the beach! I'm starting to get suspicious that you're running off to see a secret boyfriend or something."

Kinana has reduced (Y/n) into a sputtering mess. Naturally, the latter had know that her friend had only been joking, so why had (Y/n)'s face grown so warm? The air conditioner lacrima must be busted again! That was the only explanation! Man, the heat was really getting to her!

"Oh? I suppose I hit the nail on the head? Who's this boy you're seeing, (Y/n)-chan~? When am I going to meet him?" Kinana asked, ready for all the juicy details. She had always very much enjoyed gossip like the mom she was. Typical.

"Hah!? (Y/n)-san, what's this about a boyfriend!?" (Y/n) shifted her gaze to Romeo, whose eyes were like dark saucers. He scrambled toward the table, stopping beside Kinana.

(Y/n) groaned, feeling flustered. Great... more unwanted attention to the conversation. "H-he's just someone I train with, that's all!" Yeah... that was it... right? He was merely a friend she sparred with from time to time!

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