Grand Magic Games?

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"You better watch it, you pervy popsicle!"

"No, you watch it, flame brain!"

"Wanna go, ice princess!?"

(Y/n) stares at the wall ahead of her in irritation. Even after two weeks of the Tenrou group's return, she couldn't focus with all the background noise. It's taking all of her wavering self-control to prevent from quieting the idiots behind her with her fist.

However, she supposes the rowdiness was inevitable. She rathered a chaotic guild over an empty and silent guild anyways. (Y/n) had forgotten just how noisy they could be! It seems her reading will have to be done at home instead of at the guild.

With a heavy sigh, (Y/n) decides to head to the bar for an energy boost; she could use a cup of tea right about now.

Mirajane greets the girl with a smile, "Good morning (Y/n)-chan! What are you having?" (Y/n) bows slightly to her before ordering a cup of black milk tea; the gray-haired girl giggles at her politeness.

"You don't need to be so well-mannered around me, (Y/n)-chan. We're practically the same age now!"

"Hehe, r-right! Sorry, Mira." (Y/n) sheepishly replies with a blush. She isn't used to someone other than Kinana being behind the counter, either. Mirajane dismisses (Y/n)'s apology with yet another a kind smile and leaves to make the order.

"Yoo Hoo! (Y/n)-chan! Come sit with us!" That sounded an awful lot like Lucy. (Y/n) turns around to confirm her thoughts, and she finds the girls of Team Natsu beckoning her to their table. (Y/n) is welcomed to sit in the space between Wendy and Erza.

"I'll never get over how much older you look than me now, (Y/n)..." Wendy admits as her eyes trail down to (Y/n)'s chest and then to her own, or rather lack thereof. She cries silently to herself: It's just not fair!

(Y/n) chuckles as sweatdrops start to form on her forehead.

"Yes, you have grown into quite the woman now." Erza points out as she reaches to grasp (Y/n)'s boob. (Y/n) covers her chest with her arms to protect herself from being groped.

"Yes, I have boobs now, no need to touch them!" (Y/n) says as she begins to lean away from the two observers.

Lucy lets out a chuckle at the antics of her friends, like them, she is eager to hear about how (Y/n) has grown too, but not regarding her breasts. "So," the blonde starts with a raised-eyebrow expression, "any guys of interest?"

"Uh..." There was only one person (Y/n) was thinking of, Sting Eucliffe. She remembers their interaction two weeks ago- their proximity, his hands on her waist, his handsome face. She had never thought about him like this until that day.

Suddenly, (Y/n)'s face began to heat up, and she began to stutter her response, "I- uh, he... no, wait, maybe... No, nevermind." What's wrong with me?

Lucy rests her head on her hand as she looked smugly at (Y/n). "Looks like you do. Who's the lucky guy?"

The girls lean in closer to hear her response.

Out of the corner of her eye, (Y/n) sees Mirajane rushes over with the cup of tea she ordered earlier. "(Y/n)-chan! Do my ears deceive me, or did I just hear that you like someone!?"

However, (Y/n) can only manage a small squeak of something that sounded like 'thank you.'

"Who are we talking about?" A curious Gray walks into the conversation; Natsu followed in suit of the half-naked ice mage, "What guy? Can I fight him?"

"H-he's-" (Y/n) begins nervously, but thankfully, the group's attention is strayed away from her as they hear shouting from Macao and Romeo. She lets out a heavy sigh of relief.

"You're missing the point! We could win the Grand Magic Games this year with everyone back! (Y/n)-san won't have to carry the group by herself anymore!" The younger boy reasons.

(Y/n) thinks to herself as a bead of sweat forms on her forehead once again: Always an optimist, huh?

"Grand Magic Games?" Natsu questions, "What's that? And what do you mean (Y/n) carried the group?"

Romeo looks in the direction of Natsu's voice and spots (Y/n), who he smiles at in utter admiration. "Every year in Crocus, there's a competition held to determine Fiore's strongest guild. (Y/n)-chan always gets a majority of Fairy Tail's points," he explains.

The attention turns back to (Y/n); many are awed at her.

"Good goin', Squirt!" Natsu ruffles her hair fondly. His little sister had grown so strong!

(Y/n) waves dismissively, "We were in last place every year..." She remembers always feeling disappointed at herself after each year of the Grand Magic Games. (Y/n) isn't quite sure why Romeo singled her out.

The young boy rolls his eyes at her, "You're too modest, (Y/n)-san. You participated every year and wouldn't give up, no matter what. You were a role model for everyone losing hope!"

(Y/n) is surprised to see everyone smiling proudly at her, and suddenly, she felt her eyes water. She had not known she had made such an impact. (Y/n) was just trying to do what she could to keep the guild's reputation.

"Then we must participate, we cannot let (Y/n)'s efforts die in vain," Erza says, breaking the silence.

"Yeah, we owe it to her and everyone that stayed loyal to the guild!" Natsu throws his fist into the air, enthusiastically.

"Aye, sir!" Happy exclaims, agreeing with Natsu.

(Y/n) feels excited at the new confident glow of the guild. She can't help but smile. We'll come in first this year!

"Now, wait a moment, brats!" Master Makarov slurs, but is stern. The guild hall goes silent as their slightly drunken guild master addresses the group. "A lot of the competing guilds have an advantage of seven-years of training over the Tenrou group. And (Y/n)-chan can only do so much, as proven in years prior."

"But Gramps! We could train! We still have a whole three months ahead of us!" Romeo says, pleading. (Y/n) knew just what to do to persuade him, however.

"Gramps, I think you're overlooking the capabilities of Fairy Tail. But, I guess you're right..." (Y/n) begins slyly, feigning disapointment as she swings her arm to the side for emphasis, "I guess we can kiss that 30,000,000 jewel prize goodbye!"

Master's face steely looking face suddenly shifted to one of happiness at the thought of all that money.

"Y-yes! I mean, ahem, I have changed my mind. Fairy Tail shall participate in the Grand Magic Games." Makarov says, trying his best not to sound desperate for the prize money. "Now get to training brats, for the all the jewel- I mean, to be number one!"

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