Lowkey Cinderella

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^ The anthem of the whole book, lowkey.

Enjoy the chapter~


"More clown paint, Squirt?" Natsu-nii inquired. (Y/n) briefly found his and Happy's reflections in the mirror- both eyeing the lipstick in her hands.

"Mhm," She muttered after a final swipe of rouge at bottom lip, she stowed the tube away in her newly-bought thigh strap; it found its place next to her trusty Hello Kitty band aids.

"Why?" His nose scrunched- she assumed in distaste of the bold color, but (Y/n) chose to ignore him, regardless. Her mind is elsewhere at the moment- wandering, much like her feet, closer to the door, toward her much anticipated date with Sting.

"O-Oye! Where're you going?"

Natsu's arms are suddenly extending out beside him- blocking her from the promise land beyond. (Y/n) was well aware of her brother's stubbornness; she wasn't going to be able to leave without giving him an answer...

"The circus, Natsu-nii." She opts for instead of a proper answer. Her eyes dart to the clock hanging just above the door frame, its ticking is seemingly louder than the ruckus of the bar around her. Perhaps she had spent a little too much time getting ready- she was going to be late... "Now, please excuse me-" (Y/n) tries pushing her way through his caging arms, but to no avail.

"Let me and Happy go with you!" He offers, elation etching across his face, "Then, we can get dinner afterwards! It'll be just like old times!"

Happy is quick to agree with his favored sibling, "Aye! You can treat me to some fish, (Y/n)-chan!"

"Ah... uhm..."

Her eyes shifted between their beaming expressions, lips pursing at the very tempting proposition. In any other given situation, she would have dropped everything to spend time with her brother, but, now.... she wanted to be with Sting.

"I'd love to, but maybe some other time, Natsu-nii... I'm uh... meeting a friend." (Y/n) says, scratching sheepishly at her hair. Her rejection brings about the pair's incredulity, their previous excitement deflated- at this, she finds a window of opportunity to escape.

"Sorry!" She calls back, after succeeding to duck under her brother's arm.

Natsu and Happy watch the girl's figure disappear further into the distance of the sizable city with confusion. The pinkette's nose scrunches once again at his sister's lingering scent. Of course, he thinks, she has always smelled like a dragon- she's a Dragon Slayer, after all. However, he can't help but notice a slight difference, one that he cannot quite describe. 

"What do you think Squirt smells like...?" Natsu trails, seeking the opinion of his exceed. 

Happy did not share the same concern for the matter. He yawns, dismissively, "Mm, I don't know, but she's acting fishy! Speaking of fish... I'm hungry!"


(Y/n) had become a sight of intrigue as she had arrived in their agreed location- short of breath and disheveled. In the midst of her running, her hair had become less adorned that she would have liked and she had lost one of her heels- but hey, at least she was on time, right?

The soft blades of grass had tickled her foot as she moved to stand underneath the shade of the tree- their tree, where they had met just last night to go star gazing. Somehow, the view was just as impressive in the day time. (Y/n) had allowed herself some indulgence in the shining, bronze sky, relieving some of her tension.

She hoped she still looked somewhat presentable to Sting...

"Hey..." Speak of the devil, huh? (Y/n) turned, eyes twinkling slightly in distress- but that changed with one look at him.

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