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The blonde jumped, startled at the voice of his exceed. He was hoping to take his leave relatively unnoticed; Sting would hate for the master to find out that he was going to see (Y/n) Dragneel-chan. He would probably get kicked out for that. Ugh, sometimes Sting wished that the master of Sabertooth would lighten up with his strict-ass rules. Hard-ass...

He turned to meet the questioning gaze of Lector, whose head was tilted to the side.

"Where ya headed?" The exceed asked, eying his attire. Sting was clad in a pair of white swim trunks and a mesh crop-top. Ha, this would probably get a rise out of Dragneel-chan.

Sting considered that he should, perhaps, take Lector along. Dragneel-chan would probably like that too, right? Last time they met, she wouldn't stop smiling as she cradled the exceed in her arms... Gah, she's so cute...

"Hello? Earth to Sting-kun!" Lector waved his paws in front of Sting's face, jumping up and down to meet his eye level and to get his attention.

"Huh? Uh, sorry, buddy... I'm goin' for a walk to the beach." Aw man, was he really that spacey? What's gotten into him? He squatted down to pet his companion's fluffy head.

Lector didn't lean into his touch like he always did. Weird... Instead, he looked up at Sting with confusion. "What's the matter, Sting-kun? You're not lookin' like yourself, lately. You got this weird, really dopey look on your face."


"This couldn't possibly have anything to do with (Y/n) Dragneel, could it, 'Eucliffe-chan'." Sting's narrowed eyes found Rogue crossing his arms in front of him. His voice was smug as his face contorted into a smirk. Sting decided he liked his counterpart better when he was stoic and silent.

"Can it, emo boy. I wasn't thinking about her." He scoffed, but Rogue seemed unfazed.

In fact his shit-eating grin seemed to grow wider, "You had that same look on your face at the Grand Magic Games last year and when you saw her last week too. Looks like you're in deep."

There was no way in hell the Sting Eucliffe was pinning for (Y/n) Dragneel! If anything, she was pinning for him! Sting wouldn't even blame her if she was. He was voted #4 on Sorcerer Weekly's edition of hottest mages in Magnolia, after all! She was... just interesting, that's all!

Sting gathered himself before responding to the resident emo boy of Sabertooth, "Those were completely unrelated matters, Rogue."

"Oh? Then, where are you going? You never cared much for sand in the past."

Sting felt his chest tighten. Crap... Maybe he did like her just a little bit. But he swears that it was only because she was attractive! Yeah, that was it. It was all because of her smooth legs that went for miles, the curves of her hips, her kind smile... her focused eyes that always seemed to be set ahead, determined to tackle any obstacle in her path... Gah! Ahem- yeah! Like he said, this was so obviously because she was hot!

"I'm truly puzzled by your stubbornness, Sting." Rogue sighed, before giving the blonde a chance to respond, "There's no harm in admitting you like her."

"Yeah, yeah..." Sting trailed on. Tch, what did that guy know about feelings, anyway? Stupid emo Rogue and his even more stupid-ass ideas about Sting's romantic life...

He began to walk out of the guild toward the beach, ignoring the stares at his back. Sting just needed some fresh air.


Sting found himself at the beachfront. Gah... he was really doing this... He fumbled nervously with the small cardboard box in his pocket. So what if Sting thought to buy her new band aids? And so what if had spent the past week looking all of over town for the ones with Hello Kitty designs? It was only proper to do so!

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