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Hey guys, before I start, I just want to ask: How do you guys feel about lemons?

I'm thinking of writing one for this story, but we'll see. Tell me what you guys think!

Ahem... uh, any-who, onto the chapter~!

Sting stretched his back, reaching with arms to touch his sand-covered feet. He grimaced at the gritty feeling; man, did he hate sand! Yet, Sting found himself at the beach almost every day of the week... Gah, what was he even doing here!?

Sting continued with his stretching, begrudgingly- might he add, glancing to the left as he shifted into a new stance. Oh-? Sting was surprised to find (Y/n)-chan staring right at him. She, like himself, was warming up. She turned away when she saw him smirk, switching her other arm over her chest.

A smirk quickly found domain in his face as he snorted. Her eyes, now narrowed, met his, once again, upon hearing this.

"Checking me out, huh?"

She pursed her lips, no-doubt thinking of a way to defend herself. After a moment of hesitation, she presented an alibi with rose-tinted cheeks, "Hardly... You're just getting tanner everyday. Are you sure you're using a sunscreen that's at least forty SPF?" (Y/n)-chan's eyes trailed down his figure.

"Don't need it. It's really cute how you're concerned about me, though." Sting teased, letting out an airy chuckle. He went to stretch his shoulder by pulling his elbow behind his head.

It was evident to Sting that (Y/n)-chan was not very pleased by his answer. He watched her bottom lip jut forward into a little pout.

"Hey! I'm serious! You're leaving yourself exposed to harmful UV rays!" She reached into her handbag and pulled out a very large, orange bottle to emphasize her point. "Without this, you'll end up like a sunburnt prune!"

"UV rays? I'll just eat 'em!" Sting bit into the air around him, jokingly. He knew he couldn't really consume particles of radiation; trust him, he had tried before.

A smug grin appeared on Sting's face as he watched (Y/n)-chan's face scrunch up as she tried to hold back her laughter.

"T-that's not- pftt- how it works!"

She's so damn cute...

"Sure it its! I'm the White Dragon Slay- Gah!"

Suddenly, he found a white, tacky substance on his abdomen. Had she just attacked him with sunscreen? Sting eyed the opened bottle in her hand; yup, she had. (Y/n)-chan erupted with sweet-sounding laughter.

His eyes trailed back to the sunscreen-covered area- Oh? He had thought of an idea. Perhaps Sting would get the last laugh, after all.

"I've never put this stuff on before." He began slyly, knowing (Y/n)-chan's self-satisfied look wouldn't last. "Why don't you apply it for me?"

And as expected, her face fell, (e/c) eyes fluttering in bewilderment... Of course, Sting had only been (half) joking... There was no way she'd actually-

"Okay." (Y/n)-chan said, almost too quickly. He felt his breath hitch in his throat. That was really... se- ahem... bold of her.

As she walked toward him, Sting felt his heartbeat quicken. Gah... he had to be dreaming, right?

(Y/n)-chan stopped when she was inches- perhaps, centimeters, away from him. Warmth radiated from her being, yet shivers were sent down Sting's spine. He didn't expect them to get intimate so soon, but hey, he really wasn't complaining.

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