After explaining everything to Griffin, you decided it was time to go back to the house..and tell everyone else the news.
You explained the whole story once again, how you'd not seen your mother for weeks after that terrible fight, how she didn't know you were coming to visit Griffin, how you'd left her a note, and how she'd never seen the note.
Everyone crowded around you and tried their hardest to consolidate you, you thank them all and decided that you needed to get back to New York to talk to the officers. You didn't have much money but you dipped into your bank account and used some of your fathers money to buy a one way ticket home.
You bought a ticket for a flight home the next day, you called Olivia and Rylie to see if they could meet you at the airport. Both of them agreed, however although Rylie was 18 and Olivia was 17 neither of them had bothered to get their drivers license. Turns out Rylie's brother Zack was the perfect person to drive them to pick you up.
Once everything was arranged you went into the guest room and cried yourself to sleep, the next morning your alarm rang and it was time to get up and get to the airport. You got dressed and said your goodbyes, it was a very sad day.
Griffin drove you to the airport and gave you a great big hug before you went inside and found your terminal. You where filled with sadness, over losing your mother, and missing Christmas with your true family.
~time skip~
The plane landed after a 3 hour flight full of turbulence, screaming babies, and sick passengers. But you can't complain, it was a last minute trip. Finally you were able to leave the plane and exit the airport, once outside you saw your two best-friends the girls who you had spent your entire life with, and you couldn't hold back the tears.
They ran up to you asking if you were okay and what could possibly be wrong. You just sobbed uncontrollably until they finally got you into the car. On the drive back to the city you explained everything, the girls felt terrible and they worried about who you'd be living with.
Zack dropped you and Olivia off at your apartment and took Riley home, Olivia helped you unpack and get ready to go down to the police station and hear the whole story. She walked you to the station and sat outside the office as you were inside talking to the deputy.
"So Mrs. Y/l/n I know it's a very sad way to pass, but I want you to know your mother didn't feel much pain."
"Thank-you officer.."
You began to shake, you felt anxious about where you would be living.
"Now first I'd like to talk with you about your mother's belongings, seeing as she didn't have a will. All of her items will be evenly distributed to her seven biological children."
"Yes of course"
You said solemnly
"So now onto more pressing matters, your placement I'm sure your worrying about that."
"Sir I'd like to say, that I'd really like to live with my half brother, Griffin Jhonson."
"Well Miss, that's all completely up to the court, and right now they seem to be leaning towards your Great Aunt Luisa"
"I understand that's it's the courts decision, but i just need you to know that I wouldn't be devastated having to leave the state to go live with my brother, rather than some random lady I've never even met before"
"Ma'am I completely understand, but again it's the court's decision. However I can give you a tip, if your brother, assuming he's of legal age would like to put in an application for what we call 'short term placement' you might be able to live with him"
"What exactly is that?"
"Under the short term placement program your brother would be given guardianship of you for a year, once the year is up he would be re-evaluated and if he still meets the requirements for legal guardianship you would remain placed in his home."
"But but the end of the year I'll be 18 myself"
"Then maybe there's a chance you can live with your brother until you turn 18, why don't you give him a call."
"Yes sir"

Brothers Best Friend: A Jaden Hossler Story
FanficYou're the very unknown sister of Griffin Johnson. Griff had always intended to keep you his secret, until one day you met....