Chapter 1: First Day's Frenzy (Meeting Moka)

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Y/N P.O.V. Location: ???

(???) - I'm sorry... I just got so dizzy...

I wake up from my momentary daze to realize... my hand is on her thigh. How did we get to this from a bike crash? She's... kinda cute...

(???) - Um...

Welp. She noticed.

(Y/N) - Ever so sorry, Let me just remove my hand...

I take my hand off of her thigh, and get to my feet. I reach out with my hand to help her off the ground, and she takes it, rising to her feet too. I rub my cheek, only to realize it had a small incision on it from the impact.

(???) - Oh! You're bleeding! 

She reaches into her pocket and gets closer to my face.

(Y/N) - Hey, no worries. I've had worse.

(???) - That smell...




(Y/N) - ...I'm sorry, what smell? I thought I showered today.

(???) - I'm sorry...

(Y/N) - Why?

Before I can get another word out, The pinkette's face bursts into a blush, she lunges for my neck, and her elongated canine teeth sunk into it. This girl LOOKED human.

It should've become painfully obvious that she wasn't.

(Y/N) - ...Ow.

(???) - Sorry, I didn't mean to!

She get's off of me, and I reach up to my neck.

(Y/N) - What the hell was that about?!

(???) - I'm sorry! A vampire's natural instinct is to drink blood and you smelled so good!

A... Vampire? ...It's not impossible... Brother Ghost WAS a Sith-summoned Smoke Demon. So was Sister Phantasma. I didn't get a chance to ask my next question, as BD-1 started SCREAMING. Literally SCREAMING. I couldn't make out a word he was saying, and I didn't know he had fallen from my back.

(BD-1) - *Loud and Unintelligible beeps and whistles.*

(Y/N) - Hey, Hey! Calm down. It's nothing a stim won't fix.

(BD-1) - ............................Boop. (............................Fine.)

He climbs back onto my back, and pops a capsule from his noggin. I catch it, and jam it into my shoulder, before pushing the button on the other end with my thumb to release the bacta serum. I feel the serum flow into my veins and body, healing my cheek, and sealing the two perforations in my neck.

(???) - Wow... what was that?

(Y/N) - Trade secret. My name is Y/N. Y/N Argus. This is BD-1. 

(BD-1) - Boop. (Hello.)

(Moka) - Oh. My name's Moka. Moka Akashiya. I'm sorry again...

(Y/N) - Water under the bridge, friend. Walk and talk with me. 

(Moka) - Okay. Wait you're going to Yokai too?

(Y/N) - Yes. First year, in fact.

(Moka) - Oh! I'm first-year too, so we'll probably have a few classes together. Hey, um... Question?

(Y/N) - Yes?

(Moka) - What do you think about vampires?

...I've seen different before, so it can't be impossible... but... could it really be?

Truth of Soul. (A Rosario+Vampire x Jedi Male Reader fanfic.)Where stories live. Discover now