Chapter 29: Another Side - To Have Loved And Lost.

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Author's note.

I want you all to know that I understand that you all might have differing opinions on how I wrote Marcus in this case, because in every one of the few times he's made an appearance, I've written him as either a bloodthirsty soldier hellbent on regaining his position, a frightening harbinger of death, despair and suffering, or just a plain douche.

With the way I have written him for this chapter, you may say I fucked up his entire character archetype, turned him into a crappy excuse for an antagonist, or just plain ran out of ideas.

And readers, I say to you: ...Fair enough.

Seriously, writer's block is a bitch. Especially when you're trying to come up with good ideas for the stories you told your readers you'd be writing, and all you're coming up with is plot points for the other unfinished stories that you'll be working on later, and ideas for entirely new stories altogether. Seriously, I was trying to come up with ideas for the three I'm working on(this one included) right after I finished binge-watching all 17 available seasons of Red Vs Blue(started this chapter before ZERO started streaming). You can imagine how many ideas ran through my mind - most of them revolving around the Washalina ship.

...Pardon my rant. My point is that everyone has a different point of view that depends entirely on they information they're getting, and the first impressions they get when they first meet them. Marcus is portrayed as an antagonist because that's all the characters in this story have seen him as: an absolute douche out for blood. We don't really know anything about him other than these things, all we know is that he stole the mirror from the original thief, and used it to torture Y/N's mind. We have no idea what he's really like, because I've never gone in-depth on his character. Off the top of my head, I've only given you two looks from his P.O.V.. I'm doing it now, and I'll be doing it again before the end of the story(this part of it, at least).

So congratulations: I'm giving you a look from his perspective. I probably should've done this sooner, but hey, I'm doing it now. Better late than never.

Alright, I'm gonna stop rambling now. Onto the story. I hope you enjoy it.



Marcus P.O.V.        Location: Yokai Realm - Barrier Exit

...Why am I doing this again?

...I mean, I'm not doing it because I hate him.

I don't want to hurt him, but... 

(??????) - You feel as if you have to kill him so that he doesn't experience something far worse at the hands of someone else?

I turn to see a pair of glowing eyes. The man they belong to is dressed in a blue suit and hat. He's smoking a cigar, making no attempt to hide it.

(Marcus) - How did you-?

(??????) - When you get to be as old as I am, you see a lot of things in a lot of people based just on how they act. You only want to kill the kid because you know that if you don't, then someone much worse will do much worse.

I turn back to the blood-red sea, and let out a long sigh.

(Marcus) - ...Yeah. Right on the money. 

(??????) - You didn't mean to kill the others. They just assumed the worst, and things escalated too fast for you to stop it?

Feeling aggravated that this stranger somehow knows this much about me, I turn to him, my metal body creaking softly with the movement.

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