Chapter TwentySeven...Jesus and Ass/

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\Madison POV/

"So the rumours were true." I addressed, staring at the two in question.

We - Thomas, Hamilton, Laurens, Eliza, Maria, and I - were gathered on the floor of Hamilton's bedroom in what was supposed to be a circle but was looking more and more like an egg by the minute. I watched as Thomas stared at the other king and Eliza blush faintly when she met eyes with the rogue.

"Did you mean to leave?" Maria asked, looking at the floor, all of us knowing who it was meant for.

"Of course not." His eyes were strange, still seeming like he couldn't believe she was here, right in front of him. Another silent minute passed, the room tense. It was then that Laurens spoke up.

"This should be a good thing, right?" Despite being quiet, his tone was uplifting, cheerful, almost. "You should be celebrating! You have so much to talk about, right?"

"I just can't believe it," Hamilton murmured, tilting his head. "You're a rogue?"

"I've always been a rogue. You know this." Maria smiled sadly at him. "Doesn't matter if we were kids. Born a rogue, die a rogue."

"That's not true." Hamilton spoke firmly, looking at Laurens. "I was made a rogue when my mother died. I scrapped by for six years, bustling, trying to make a name for myself instead of 'that ragged rogue with the big green cloak'." He pulled said green cloak tighter around himself, and I realized it was that very same one.

"Some are lucky." Maria offered, eyeing the cloak with a sense of familiarity. "You''ve kept that, after all this time?"

"Of course." Hamilton smiled at her, one corner higher than the other, and suddenly, he wasn't a King anymore.

No, he was just a boy, with his too-big cloak and his long hair reaching almost to his waist, noone to cut it. Big, brown, doe-like eyes, contrasting against such a sharp complexion, lips chapped from the cold.

Hamilton lifted his chin and stared to the left of me, eyes calculating. "Problem, Jefferson?"

I looked and Thomas was just sitting there with a dumbstruck look on his face, cheeks flushed heavily. He must've had some sort of moment like I just did, for all he said was just 'uhhhhhhh'.

Hamilton smirked, then, a wicked glint in his eye before looking back at Maria, who also had a knowing look in her eye. The only ones lost were Eliza and Laurens, who looked back at each other with squinted eyes.

I decided to save some of Thomas's dignity while it lasted, interrupting the exchange of glances. "Wait, Hamilton. You said six years you were a rogue?"


"How old were you when the," I stuttered, "um, hurricane happened?"

Hamilton closed his eyes briefly, tilting his head. "11, I believe."

"When did you become king?" I questioned further.

He raised an eyebrow at my inquiry. "19."

"Bullshit." Thomas mumbled under his breath. Hamilton smiled.

"You are 23 now, correct?" Maria spoke.

At Hamilton's nod, she smiled. "Your birthday. When is it?" Her tone reflected that she already knew.

Hamilton realized this and groaned loudly, throwing his head back in mock disapproval. "You know I hate you, right?"

Eliza started giggling, which led Laurens in with her, both of them trying to hide it. At Hamilton's heated stare they couldn't help it, bursting into loud laughter. I couldn't help it, my lip was twitching, and I saw that Thomas was sporting a full grin, while Hamilton looked on fondly.

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