Chapter Fifteen..."The One and Only"/

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\Eliza POV/

I rushed down the corridors, gripping the blue fabric of my dress tightly, careful not to trip. I heard voices before I even reached the door, pushing it open with a soft gasp as I took in his injuries-

"I came as soon as I heard." I didn't realized I was speaking, eyes focusing on nothing but red. "What happened?"

"Excuse me," A man I didn't recognize stepped forward, holding out his hand in greeting. "I'm Madison. James Madison."

I stared at him for a moment before slowly shaking his hand, head tilting. "Eliza."

James smiled, soft. "My friend and I found him being dragged off by rogues on our way over. If you must know, their bodies are still out there, staining the grass."

"Oh." I looked over to Alexander, who seemed asleep. Bruises decorated his features, blood staining his collar. I silently went over and combed my hand through his hair gently, brushing away bits of leaves stuck in the dark strands.

"He should wake up shortly, don't worry. His injuries aren't as bad as they look." James spoke softly, as if I were fragile. He then walked out of the room and shut the door quietly behind him, the other silent people who he was with following, a soft click emitting.

"Please, wake, Alex." I murmured softly, thinking of what could've happened if Madison and his friend didn't find him in time. It was silent for a moment before I heard a low knocking at the door, it creaking open slowly.

"Hey," Peggy was quiet, which was unusual. Alex so close to being taken away must've bothered her. "Angie needs us in the kitchen. We've must prepare the food."

I sighed softly in response, Peggy taking that as an answer as she silently went off again, knowing I would follow. I took one last look at Alexander, swiping strands of his hair away from his face and kissing his forehead very slightly.

I barely noticed the faint taste of blood as I left the room, door shutting with a soft click.


\Alexander POV/

My body felt weightless yet my head heavy, seemingly random pulses of pain flashing through my body and mind. I groaned softly, cracking my eyes open for a split second before groaning again, the natural sunlight burning.

"Finally." I heard a voice scoff. I recognized it but I couldn't seem to link it with a person. "You're awake. I was wondering if I should just take over while you were outta it. Too easy, maybe."

Oh, it's the southern fuck.

I croaked a quiet 'fuck you', voice hoarse. I felt a sudden coldness and opened my eyes to see poofy hair blocking the sun, a smirk gracing the other king's lips.

"Oh, but you must be awfully sore. You know, I don't even know why they don't have a guard or something here. I could kill you so easily." Jefferson clicked his tongue, looking down at me with a dark look in his eyes. I shivered, trying to hide it, but from the sudden wide smile he gave I knew it was futile.

I glared up at him in an attempt to redeem myself, slowly sitting up, breathing ragged. I noticed Jefferson's eyebrows crease with what looked like concern, but quickly focused back in on the pain shooting across my ribs.

"Easy, will 'ya?" I heard him mutter before I was pushed back down onto the bed, strong hands pinning my shoulders down. I growled in warning but I knew there was nothing I could do, returning to glare at him with fury, cheeks heated.

"I have work to do." I tried again to sit up and surprisingly, he let me. I flipped my legs over and felt my feet touch the ground before I was suddenly falling and, right before I hit the ground, I didn't.

I opened my eyes, not even noticing I had closed them, feeling arms wrapping around and pulling me back upright. I heard a 'fucking christ, Hamilton' as I leaned heavily against the wall, breathing heavier than before. Shit.

I didn't say anything to him as I used all of my strength to push myself up and start walking towards the door, my shirt sticking to my body uncomfortably. I heard footsteps behind me but I didn't bother to turn around, knowing, using the wall to steady myself as I went on my way towards my room.

Once I got there- or, rather, we got there, I trudged into my room with hooded eyes, leaving the door open. My body then thought it was a good time to give, slumping against the bed, my legs not even making it. I heard a soft sigh and suddenly my body shifted so it was completely on the bed, causing me to groan.

"You need rest, you imbecil." Jefferson muttered quietly, watching him grab the spare quilt from the floor and drape it across me. I tried my best to glare but my focus faltered, vision blurry. Maker, a nap sounds marvelous.

"Someone will probably bring supper," I just barely heard him say, dozing off.

"Don't snoop around my room.." I managed to croak out before my vision turned black.

"Goodnight, darlin'."


\Laurens POV/

Maker, there was so much paperwork that I didn't want to do. How did Alex manage to power through it all?

A knocking interrupted my thoughts, clearing my throat and speaking a soft 'come in', assuming it was Herc or something. Well, apparently not.

"Hello," The woman that was with Madison earlier came in quietly, leaving the door open, eyes darting around the room before finally landing on me. I then took notice of the fresh bruises strangely in the shape of hands gracing her throat, her red dress - possibly stained with blood - practically in ruins. It was almost barbaric. "I would like to speak with you, if I may."

"Now why shouldn't I just kick you out right now, rogue?" I growled softly, keeping my gaze on the papers in front of me, quill in hand.

The lady scoffed, although didn't seem fazed the slightest. "I think I might know your king. I used to have a friend back when I was younger, you see-".

"Where are you heading with this?" I interrupted.

She continued nonetheless. "I used to live in a town called Nevis." My hand froze. "I lived under a bridge most of the time with my mother. She didn't hesitate to abandon me but when she did, I was practically wailing." She gave a soft chuckle, eyes glazed in thought. "A boy heard me, another orphan like me, and we became close. He told me he ran away from an orphanage. He told me he was gonna be someone great, that he'll leave a legacy." She chuckled again, more in bewilderment, shaking her head. "I never believed him. It was too unlikely."

"What is your point?" I was staring at her, now standing up, trying to think if the rogue was lying. It matched too well, though-

She smiled, almost forced. "A hurricane came and destroyed everything. I lost track of my only friend, the reason why I was still alive. I...I somehow made it. I don't know how, but I couldn't seem to die.

"I didn't think I'd ever find him again. I thought he died, I even stayed weeks after the storm to search through the debris, to see if I could find his body. I never did. Who knew I would find him here? After all this time...he saved me, and now, I finally returned the favor."

I couldn't believe my fucking ears. Alex had told me about this girl he used to be with, before he came here and became great. His old life.

"Maria?" I whispered, eyes wide and fingers trembling.

The rogue smiled again, more sincere. "The one and only."





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