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Kanroji Mio sat on the engawa of the Moon Estate, nervousness gnawing at her gut

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Kanroji Mio sat on the engawa of the Moon Estate, nervousness gnawing at her gut. She bit on her lip, chewing on it absentmindedly as she wrung her hands together. Now and then, she would gaze at the gates of the Moon Estate and sigh whenever it would remain close.

"She'll be fine."

The gruff yet silk-smooth voice of Iguro Obanai, the Serpent Hashira, broke Mio's trail of thoughts. The Moon Hashira turns her head to where Obanai sat, lounging as he sipped his tea. "I know that! I'm just worried. The Final Selection ended a few hours ago already and she hasn't returned." Mio frowns, tucking a lock of pink hair behind her ear. "What if she got attacked? Oh no, what if she encountered a powerful demon? What if she got lost? Oh no." Mio frets, frowning as she stood up. "I'm going to go find her! I'm sick of waiting!" Mio declares, trying to find where she last put her sword.

"Calm down, Mio." Obanai sighs, watching with amused yet tired eyes as the woman fretted, her eyes slightly frantic. "Hanako is your protégé remember? She's probably the strongest in the Final Selection." Obanai stated, quietly sighing in relief when some tension seeped out from her shoulders. "Hanako was also a Kunoichi so it's practically impossible for anyone - demon or not, to ambush her." Obanai continues, sipping his tea. "She won't get lost, either. She's been here for three years." Obanai added when he saw Mio open her mouth to probably retort.

The Hashira sighs, collapsing on the engawa as she gnawed on her bottom lip. Obanai was right. Hanako was probably taking her time to walk back or maybe even stopped by to eat some dango? Heaven knows how much she loved her dango - She even threw a stick at Rengoku and Uzui when they tried to grab some when they visited the Estate.

Mio was starting to relax, believing Obanai's words to be true. Hanako is powerful, she's probably the strongest one in the Final Selection. Kanao can give her a run for her skills but in the end, Hanako had something Kanao didn't.

That was her Shinobi skills.

She was silent, footsteps unheard whenever she walked. She was also cautious, never letting anyone in until she explicitly trusted that said person. She was also powerful, as when she held her, Obanai and Giyuu off three years ago. Hanako was no slouch in hand to hand combat, and could probably defeat all of the Hashira's in it. She was a trained killer, after all. Born in the shadows and raised with the flames of her prestigious clan, Hanako was dangerous.

That was the reason Master let her in. The Corps could not afford to have such a powerful enemy when they already had Kibutsuji Muzan and his army. They will lose and the Corps will crumble. Humanity's fate will be determined by Demons alone and they cannot let that happen.

After all, keep your friends close but your enemies closer, right?

The gates of the estate opened, and Mio practically jumped to her feet to run to the gates. Beyond the door, with the sun setting behind her, was Hanako. True to what Mio expected, Hanako was munching on Dango's with two other sticks on her right. Her cheeks were puffed because of the amount she was chewing and it made her look like a chipmunk.

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