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Tanjiro sees it before anyone else does

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Tanjiro sees it before anyone else does.

He sees how Hanako heaved, her eyes suddenly bleeding more and her expression turning into pain. He sees how she stumbles, falling to her knees as her sword clatters loudly to the ground. It's why he disobeyed Shinobu's order to not move. He got up and ignored the stinging pain of his wound. Tanjiro ran to Hanako who was falling, managing to catch her right on time before she could face plant.

"H-Hanako! Hey, get a hold of yourself!" Tanjiro panics, adjusting Hanako so that she was now leaning against him. Her breathing was labored, face sickly pale and blood smeared across her cheeks. Her brows were furrowed, as if she was in great pain. Tanjiro searched her, finding no critical injuries, so why was she in pain? There were only light scratches and cuts that were slightly bleeding.

Mio stops next to him, kneeling down to face Hanako. Her eyes were narrowed, hand cupping Hanako's sickly pale face. "She overused her Sharingan." Mio mutters, Tanjiro looks at her, worried. "The Sharingan is a powerful ability, but just like any other power, it has it's drawbacks. Overusing it will make Hanako sick and her eyes blurry. If she continues overdoing it, she'll turn blind." Mio explains, beckoning a Kakushi over. The male gave Hanako a bucket of water with a clean towel, before bowing and scurrying off.

Tanjiro watches as Mio gently scrubbed Hanako's face, getting rid of the blood that smeared across her cheeks. "Tanjiro," Mio calls him, with the redhead looking up. Mio smiles gently, her eyes soft. "Thank you for helping Hanako." Mio states, looking down to Hanako. She was still sickly pale and her breathing was still labored. Tanjiro blinks, before his sunshine smile formed on his face.

"Anything for Hanako, Mio-San."

Tanjiro slid the infirmary door open, greeted by a sight he's been so familiar with for the past weeks. The room was slightly dark, with only the light from the sun filtering in the four cornered room. There were chairs by the foot of the bed and two bedside tables next to the bed. By the bed was Hanako's remade uniform, hung. There was a table by the closet, with different medicinal properties placed on top of it.

On the bed, was Hanako.

Tanjiro's feet padded the wooden floor softly, coming to a stop by Hanako's side. Hanako was asleep, on a coma they said. Her dark hair was splayed under her like a halo of darkness. A bandage was wrapped around her eyes, obscuring half of her face. Hanako was still, fingers gently set on top of the white sheets.

Tanjiro pulled a chair next to her side, settling on it. "Hey, Hanako." Tanjiro whispers softly, his wine red eyes slightly pained. "It's been three weeks. I'm getting really worried, you know?" Tanjiro plays with the ends of the white sheet. "Mio-San says it's normal as this...this world doesn't have the necessary things to give you a fast recovery but...I'm still worried you know?" Tanjiro lets out a soft sigh. He looks at the unconscious Hanako and wished, not for the first time, he wished Hanako would move and pry her eyes open. "Zenitsu and Inosuke can hit four blind spots now! I can hit five now too! I still can't hit the sixth one..." Tanjiro trails, and he bows his head as tears gathered in his eyes. "S-So you have to wake up okay? You need to teach us..." Tanjiro chokes, breathing.

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