Dhul Hijjah

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The blessed days of Dhul Hijjah have dawned upon us,

The days of sacrifice and hope..

These days are considered the very best of the year,

The days of reaping the best we could.

Fortunate are we to witness another year,

While some are no more even here.

Abstaining from food, drink and immoral acts,

Here we are to revive a new us.

Worship during these blessed days,

Are rewarded the best you even know of.

Tighten up your belt,

And race forward in competing with good.

Increase in the remembrance of The All Mighty

Coz you never know if you ever would.

Be wary of your prayers,

Let it be the obligatory ones or voluntary.

Spend your night in worshipping The Lord,

Who created you from a speck of dust.

Spend time in reading Allah's book,

Perhaps you could dive deeper into its depths.

Raise your hands to The Most Merciful,

Empty handed will you never go back.

Waste not your time,

For this second will never return.

Hope for the best from your Lord,

For these few blessed days..

May Allah accept the little we do,

May He increase our rewards to many folds,

May He bring us closer to him,

In these very blessed days..

Ameen Ya Rabb ❤ 

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