The Game Of life

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Sometimes you've just gotta let things go,

No matter how hard it hurts.

You may move on from your past,

But there'll still be some who are clingy on to YOUR past.

Sometimes you gotta seal everything within yourself

Coz once let out, its a danger zone for yourself.

You may cry yourself to sleep,

You may mourn the death of your own beautiful self,

But let that not stop you from becoming a new you.

Nobody could hold your trust like the way you do,

So its better inside you than out with the world,

Even if it could beat the hell out of you.

Life is just a playground with fools,

Many of them know not how the game is played

Many of them know not that a goal even exists.

You have the Qur'an as your book of rules n regulations

So follow it up and refer to the Sunnah as well..

With those two as your guide,

You turn to be nothing but a winner at the end.

Definitely, your every cry n every smile is recorded

With the Umpire Himself

And who may be that umpire except for the Lord of the universe..

He knows how well you've fared my dear,

Whenever the ball kept coming to your court

And He knows how you kept tackling it till the very end

And that ball ain't anything except the trials n tribulations put your way..

Play well my dear!

Lest you regret when it comes to the day of prize giving.

There might be some fluctuation in your scale,

When the way you've played has been taken for measure

But know that كلمة الله هي العليا (the word of Allah has become the uppermost) [Qur'an; 9:40].

When you've followed the Qur'an and Sunnah

There's nothing you've gotta worry about

Just wait for the announcement to be called,

That you are from amongst the Successful ones

The reward for having played well is unimaginable

For that we all have to wait, to see His magnificence on that day

Following the right path isn't the easiest route

But its end tends to be the most beautiful one

May Allah reward us for our Sacrifice

May He reward us with the best

May He be our guide through life's tests

He hears the plea of the heart before the tongue can even utter it

So may He grant us all our Halaal wishes,

Not only today, but forever and always..

Ameen Ya Rabb

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