~Chapter 1 A Dangerous Place

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David POV

Having to live in a place like Los Santos isn't easy. It's actually quite the opposite, it a nightmare. I mean what do you expect, Los Santos after all is known for it's criminal record. It was one of the most dangerous place on earth.

Crime was always happening constantly, it kinda scared me. I mean anything can happen, you can be just having a nice stroll in the park. So peaceful right, yeah right, next thing you know. There would be a gun war happening right in front of you. Ok maybe I'm over exaggerating but those things can really happen around here.

Yet, here I am, strolling down the streets in the dark. I'm just surprised that I haven't gotten jumped or anything yet and as soon I thought that everything was handy dandy. I heard a terribly loud explosion that was not far from me.

Without even thinking about the consequences of my actions, I ran towards where I hear the explosion. I started couching from the heavy dust cloud that surrounded me. I noticed the pieces of rubble that was broken from a wall that was now scattered on the ground.

It was only then I noticed I was at the side of a bank. I started to freak out, what should I do, should I call the police. Shouldn't they already be on there by now, I mean, that was to loud of an explosion not to hear.

I don't know what gotten into me but somehow, I found myself sneaking into the bank to figure out what's going on. I turned the corner cautiously as it was so dark. Even though how dark it was, I managed to see a camera that was not that far away from me in the corner. It didn't look like it was turned off, I could see the small red light blinking indicating it was still on. It slowly moved side to side looking for any intruders that passed it.

The alarm wasn't sent off yet, which I was extremely surprised because you think that the alarm would come on immediately after that explosion. Well one thing I know now, is that whoever is in this bank. Is definitely not anyone dumb, it was dark and silent. It was beginning to become more and more sketchy by the second.

I rolled passed the camera so not to trigger it. I don't know why I didn't want to trigger. I just wanted to investigate a little more, it was then I heard someone talking just on the other side of the wall of me. I slowly peeked around the corner clinging to the wall, letting the darkness hide me.

I strained my ear trying to listen as hard as I could to hear what they were taking about. "Is that all of it" I heard someone questioned in a bit of a squeaky voice, which surprised me for a second cause they sounded just like a child. "Ya ready to go kid" another guy asked and I could hear the thick Irish accent. I should know, since I'm indeed Irish myself. "Yeah, I am not a kid" I heard the other pout still in that kid like voice. "Basically, is the van in position" I heard the Irishman ask through, I guess, he was talking through a ear plug, cause I could only see two dark figure in the room. "Yeah we're done here, hey Delirious are you and Wildcat done over there" The Irishman questioned into the ear plug.

It was then I started to debate with myself if I should leave. I heard some footsteps coming out of what I think was the vault. I need to get the hell out of here, I thought. I quickly sneaked to the other side of the wall and made my way down to the exit.

I was so close to getting out of here unnoticed, my breath was taken away when I heard a gun cock to my head. "Put your fucking hands above your head where I can see them" A deep and dark voice demanded which I guess belonged to the voice that had a gun to my head. I slowly put my hands up, so not to trigger the person. "Now get on your knees" the voice demanded again and I obeyed since I couldn't do anything else or I would be killed.

It was then I heard a few more pairs of footsteps come up behind me. "Wildcat, what are you doing" I heard one ask from behind me. "This motherfucker was following us" Wildcat I guess spat back at the man. "Ok then, I want to know what this guy has to say" I heard the Irishman said.

I gulped a little, afraid if I say something wrong I will instantly get killed. I took a deep breath before finally having the guts to even talk. "Plz don't kill me, I'm to young to die" I pleaded feeling tear threatening to fall. "Plz one Irishman to another, plz I'm begging ye...d-don't kill me" I cried out for mercy. "What should we do" I heard one whisper to the others. "I don't know, I haven't seen another Irishman in years" I heard the Irishman replied. "Well we can't have this motherfucker running around or who knows what will happen if we let him go, Terrorizer" Wildcat argued back at the Irishman, I'm assuming name is Terrorizer. Well his code name at least, I don't think their actual mothers' would name them that.

I chuckled a little at the thought, which I immediately regret. "What the fuck are you laughing at" Wildcat growled at me. I felt my heart pounding in my chest from fear. "N-n-othing" I mumbled quietly, "stop that Wildcat, your scaring him" Terrorizer warned. "And you think I care" Wildcat yelled, "Wildcat just calm down" I heard the one with the kid like voice say. "Shut up Squeaker this isn't about you" Wildcat spat out. "Wildcat....how about this, we take him to the boss and see what he says what we should do with him" Squeaker suggested, still talking in his kid like voice. To tell you the truth, I don't know if I think it's cute or disturbing. "Fine...we'll take him to Vanoss" Wildcat agreed finally, well at least now I know their boss' code name is Vanoss. "Delirious knock him out", was the last thing I heard before pure darkness.

Tell me what you think about this first chapter. I'll be sure to check the comments and see what you think. Well anyways, I hope you enjoy and I will see you in the next chapter. Bye, Bye. 😃👋


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