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"Home sweet home." I murmur, walking into my cold apartment left vacant for over a month.
I set my things down at the foot of my bed and strip from my clothing, walking to the bathroom with a sense of deja vu.
Humming a cheery tune, I quickly wash my body and throw on a thin black shirt that across the back says Let's Escape And Forget This Place and some torn black skinnies.
I bow dry my hair and play with it a bit.
You could use a little color...
I run to my closet and take a look through my numerous bottles of hair dye before finding some purple. I get out some gloves and a bowl before lathering the stuff in my blonde lochs.
I look at the finished result in pure joy. It's a lavender color with different tones of the purple.
I blow it dry and put in a ponytail, bothering with little eyeliner and mascara before heading out the door.
I drive out on Sunset Boulevard to the small club Whiskey a Go Go or mostly known as The Whiskey.
I end up there at around two in the afternoon, seeing that Slash will be playing tonight. I call up Jinxx.
"Hey want to see Slash with me tonight at The Whiskey?" I ask.
"Yeah sure. I'd love to." He replies.
"Okay, I'll buy tickets. See you tonight."
"See you."
I buy tickets and I'm about to head back when someone walks up behind me.
"I didn't even notice you there with your purple hair." A horrifyingly familiar voice chuckles. I turn around to face Alex. His longer brown hair is now shorter. His face, shaven and starting to fill out. He's built some muscle but still with terrifying, cold, and soulless black eyes.
"You need to leave Alex before I call the cops on you." I snarl.
"I sincerely doubt you'll call the cops, Aracelis." He growls, snatching my face and pinning me against the brick wall. I kick him in his genitals, which does little to stop him from his crushing fingers closing my windpipe.
But suddenly his fingers are gone and he's on the ground being slammed by tattooed arms.
"Now fuck off and leave before I kill your ass!" The man yells as Alex scrambles away. Turning to face me is none other than Myles Kennedy. His face softens at me as he takes my hand and leads me into the club and sits me down at the edge of the stage.
"Are you alright?" He asks me. I attempt to reply, but only cough. He hands me some water and ice for me throat before calling 911.
They arrive and I try to give them as much information as possible before they take me to the hospital for further treatment on my neck.
The doctor tells me it's bruised and that his nails penetrated my skin but no true damage or infections. He says to take it easy and not to sing or do too much and just to let it heal naturally as best as I can.
"Thank you." I whisper with a scratchy voice.
"You're welcome. You're free to go." He says walking me out to the front desk to sign out.
I dial Jinxx back and he answers on the last ring.
"Hey Ara."
"Hi Jinxx. I can't make it to the show tonight because of an issue with my throat but take both tickets so you and Sammi can go." I whisper.
"I'm sorry to hear that and thank you for the tickets. What happened to your throat?" I rack my brain for an excuse.
"Don't know for sure yet. I'm at the doctors office so I'll call you in a bit. Bye Jinxx".
"Wait but Ara-
I hang up and cringe as I return to my car and drive back home. I park and go up the stairs to my apartment.
No less than five minutes of being in my home there's a fist slamming on the door.
"Damn it, Ara. If you do not open this fucking door for me I'll do it myself!" I hear Andy growl from behind my door. I unlock it and turn away, hearing him open it and slam it shut.
"What the fuck happened to you?" He demands.
"Nothing. I'm fine. Now please leave." I muster with all the voice I've got, which hurts like a bitch.
"Turn around Ara." He commands softly. I pull off the hood of my black hoodie and reveal my black and blue neck to him, feeling warm tears filled with hatred run down my cheeks.
"Who in the fucking hell touched you?!" He snaps, running up and hugging me tightly.
"Alex." I sob.
"Who's Alex?" He strokes my hair.
"My abusive ex." I cry harder. He shushes me and kisses my hair.
"Did you talk to the police?"
"Yes." He nods but I know with his body language he could kill someone right now.
"Come on, let's just relax for a bit." He says, pulling us onto the couch and turning on Batman: The Animated Series as I fell asleep in his strong and supportive arms.

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