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I watch as rain cascades down the side of the bus as we drive overnight to the next venue. In the trusting arms of Andy Biersack, I watch as cars stream by with the light swishes as they pass by.
"I can't believe I was that stupid." I hear Andy murmur. I look up at him, touching the tip of his chin.
"You are unbelievably intelligent, Andy. We all make bad decisions, it's what makes us human." I say. He kisses my head.
"I'm not compared to you. You exceed me greatly."
"My knowledge isn't as vast as you claim. It's fairly basic to much of what we know. I just take pride in knowledge. Facts are what keep me, me." He chuckles at my response.
"I'm happy you're a smart girl, Aracelis." He smiles, kissing me. I kiss back softly, snuggling into him and closing my eyes.
"Goodnight Andy."
"Goodnight, beautiful."
Awakening before dawn is the crappiest thing. No one is awake. You are alone.
"I'm surprised you're awake so early." I hear Jinxx's sweet voice from behind me.
"I could say the same for you." I reply, pouring coffee into a mug.
"I don't sleep much."
"Neither do I. My brain is always at work, and insomnia doesn't help. I go to bed late and get up early." I say, going onto the couch and drinking the strong liquid in my hands.
"You drink it straight black?" Jinxx's disgusted face pulls a laugh out of me.
"With sugar of course, but yes. I do."
We talk of nonsense, awaiting for everyone to awaken.
"Do you want me to make something?"
Jinxx goes into full gear, making pancakes, bacon, fruit salads, fresh drinks, etc, awakening the entire bus.
"It smells phenomenal. Jinxx, you're cooking more often!" Ashley says.
"Agreed." Jake laughs.
"MOVE BITCH GET OUT DA WAY!" I hear CC yell, shoving past an already stumbling Andy onto the floor and speeding towards the food.
"Awe you poor thing." I sarcastically say to Andy, helping him up. He glares at me.
"Foul woman." He growls, kissing me on the cheek and heading to eat.
"That smells mighty fine. Who cooked?" Reiko bellows, skipping towards the kitchen area.
"Shut up, woman!" Alyssa screams, holding presumably a pounding head from a long night of drinking.
"Guys, where's Cara?" I ask.
"Bathroom!" They call as I walk to the bunk area and to the back bathroom. Before I can knock, I hear crying. Crying that ceases when a loud thump erupts from the bathroom, stopping her cries.
"Cara? You okay?" I ask, my heart thumping.
Nothing. Silence.
"Damn it, Cara. Open the fucking door!" I yell, slamming on it.
"Hey, is everything okay?" Jake asks, coming back towards me.
"Open this door! Open it right now!" I beg. He prepares his shoulder as he rams through, breaking it.
On the floor, covered in blood, is Cara.
"Jesus Christ!" I scream, feeling tears down my face.
"I'm calling 911." Jake says. I go to Cara, holding her in my arms, pressing towels to the deep slits in her arms.
"What's going- CARA!" CC yells, coming to my side. He presses the towel down as I ball up and shut down.
"They're on their way." I hear Jake say.
"What the hell is going on? We heard yelling." Ashley asks.
"Cara's in trouble. We called an ambulance." Jake replies.
"Where's Ara?" Andy asks.
Soon, strong and warm arms wrap around me, holding me as I sob.
"CC, they're here. I need you to carry her out."
I stand up, with Andy still with me, and follow them out.
"Ara, please-
"I need to go." I say coldly, getting into the back of the ambulance and watching the rain plummet onto a distraught and beautiful broken angel.
"Aracelis Hernandez?" A nurse calls out. I lift my head from my hands and walk to her.
"Yes?" I answer with a scratchy voice.
"Follow me. Dr. Williamson would like to speak with you." She takes me into an empty conference room and shortly followed in with presumably Dr. Williamson. She's a tall woman with shoulder length blonde hair with streaks of gray and gray eyes.
"Hello, my name is Dr. Williamson. I was treating your friend Cara. I unfortunately have the news of telling you she did not make it. She bled out too quickly for us to do anything, and we could not seal the wounds she produced. I'm sorry for your loss." Her words seem so fuzzy as I break down and sob.
"Is there anyone we can call to pick you up ma'am?" Dr. Williamson asks me softly, helping me up into a seat.
"Jeremy Ferguson." I reply instantly. Jinxx's name slips so easily off my tongue to her. Not even Andy is a thought. I can't talk to Andy now.
And for once in my life, my mind is at an absolute stand still.

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