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This, is Andy's ending of the story. I've enjoyed writing this. Thank you so much for reading, commenting, and voting. It's much appreciated. ❤️
The song I placed is one of my favorite songs. If you are religious in any way, do not judge the lyrics at first. It's not what you think. The point of view of the song is the Devil's. Please do listen to the song.


Andy's Point Of View

I eventually slam open the door. The room is trashed with torn pillows and broken fragments of furniture. As I stare out in front of me, I see the lifelessly floating small body of a beautiful girl with hair of lavender. My angel Aracelis hangs by the ceiling with skin paler than snow.
I instantly sprint to her, untying the noose she so hastily tied and set her on the dining room table.
I check for a pulse. Nothing. Her blue toned skin is colder than ice. Tears start rolling down my cheeks.
"Fuck you! Why the fuck did you have to leave me?! Why?! Why?!" More tears flow freely, pouring down my cheeks and onto her colorless face.
The face of a girl I would have once taken a bullet for.
But also the face of a girl I broke. When Ashley came after me, I let him beat me. I deserved to feel her pain. What I did...I don't even want to talk about. I'm a monster.
The devil in love with an angel.
And I cry. For the first time in forever I cry. Really cry.
The police were already on their way. But it seems now like the call had been made centuries ago.
At this moment in my life, it feels like a hole has been punched through my heart. My whole body hurts.
The memories of her flood through me. When she first spilt her coffee on me. The first time I kissed her, her soft warm lips. Her soft hair I always wanted to twirl my fingers in. Her soft, beautiful porcelain skin. My fingers trailing and tracing her bones. The beautiful hugs full of love she gave me. The first time we made love. Her beautiful body only an angel could have. Her sapphire eyes that, only showed in the right amount of light, sparkle.
All of that is now completely gone.
"Why did you have to go? I love you. I love you so much. I love you so very, very much." I kiss her dead lips that no longer kissed back. My whole body shakes.
I get up off her as I hear the police and ambulance sirens.
As I do, I notice a note is taped to the wall. My heart shatters even more at the sight of her handwriting. I yank it off and read it, with trembling fingers.

Dear Andy,

I'm sorry. I'm sorry for everything. I'm sorry I wasn't ever good enough. I'm sorry I wasn't ever like Juliet. I'm sorry I wasn't strong enough in the end. But most of all, I'm sorry for even bothering with you. It's clearer than the night sky how much you didn't love me. I love you. Even after you hit me I still loved you. But I knew I was never good enough for you. You chose Juliet. Someone more appealing and talented than me. And that's why I'm gone. I know you won't be sad. No one will. No one will mourn me. And if you do in the slightest bit of your black and cold heart, don't dwell on me. All I ever did was hold you back. I was stupid and blind. And I'm sorry.
I love you,

I crush the paper in my hand and hold it against my heart, as if to get any last love and memories from it into my soul.
But nothing but hate and pain is written on the paper.
She blamed herself for something that wasn't even her fault.
Why Ara? I love you so much. Much more than you'll ever know. "I love you more than I can ever scream" doesn't even match up to the love that I feel and have for you.
I look at the paper again. 'I love you' burns in my mind.
I love you too Aracelis.

The Devil In The MirrorWhere stories live. Discover now