Tale of the Fairy Tale

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There once lived a girl known as little red riding hood. She lived in a small cottage in the woods with her sickly bed ridden Mother. She wore a bright red cape also known as the cloak made from the finest silk. She was a cheerful little girl. Always spreading happiness upon the town. "Dear would you mind taking Grandmother the pie and apple cider" Mom asked rocking back and forth in the rocking chair. "Why I'd love to Mother" i replied sternly. I walked over to the small wooden table. The pie smells so sweet and delightful. The apple aroma filled the air. I stuck the pie into the wicker basket. I grabbed the bottle of apple cider and placed it gently inside the basket. "Mother?" I called stomping my way to the front door. "I shall leave to Grandmas now" i shouted. "Go on dear before the sun sets. Stay on the path you hear?" Mother replied. The sky was massed with grey charcoal clouds. Assuming a storm is on the way. I covered my head with my hood. Fearing I'd catch a cold from this chilly weather. I heard a noise rattling the tall grass and shrubbery up ahead. "Why if it isn't little red riding hood all alone." The big grey wolf announced. His sharp teeth shining like long peircing blades. "I'm on my way to see Grandmother" i replied shaking as my voice went shrill. "What do you have in that basket of yours my dear child?" He asked snickering while drooling with his hands together. "Pie and apple cider juice Mr. big bad wolf! I must be on my way now." I replied. The wolf tried to snatch the basket. "I'm warning you Mr wolf leave me be" i pulled the basket and continued walking hastily down the trail. I was shivering from fear. Thunder began to rumble. The sun disappeared. Rain started to fall. I hurried on. Trotting down the trail. I heard some bustling in the trees and bushes. "The wolf is following me" i told myself. Tap-Tap, the wolf knocked onto Grandmas door. "Who is it?" Grandma asked in a horse voice. "It's little red riding hood" the wolf said trying to sound like a little girl. "Come in, come in little child" Grandma ordered. The big bad wolf entered the cottage. "Why, you're not red riding hood!" Grandma shouted. "Sorry granny but you've been tricked." The wolf replied licking his lips. "Stay away! Leave now!" Grandmother yelled hugging the blanket.  "I'm starving i need my meal!" The wolf unleashed a howl jumping on top of Grandma. "Get off. Get off now!" Grandma pushed and shoved. "All this fighting is making me hungrier!" The wolf groaned. He opened his mouth baring his long fangs. The fangs tore through Grandma's neck. The wolf tore and ripped flesh. Her screams were unheard. He chewed on her limbs. Feeding his growling belly. He swallowed her up whole. Bones and all. Tap-tap. A knock on the door. "Who is it?" The wolf answered mimicking the old ladies voice. "Little red riding hood Grandmother." She replied happily. "Come in come in darling." The wolf announced. Riding hood walked into the cottage. She set the basket down on the wooden table by the bed. "Come child and get in bed dear." The big bad wolf greeted. "What a deep voice you have!" Riding hood replied in a whisper. "All the better to greet you with my child" the wolf responded. "Wow what giant eyes you have." Riding hood mentioned. "The better to see you with child." The wolf said blinking. "What big hands you have." Little red riding hood mumbled holding the wolfs hand. "The better to embrace you with darling." Wolf added. "And what a big mouth you have." Riding hood shrieked! The wolf stood up. "Better to eat you with my child!" The wolf attacked. Little red riding hood rolled out of the bed. "Please Mr big bad wolf don't eat me!" I shouted backing away. He snarled. He growled. He got down on all four legs. "Come sweet child i need to feed." He unleashed a howl. He knocked over the wooden table. The basket flung and smashed onto the floor. He pounced. "I'm dead!" I told myself shivering. He bared his fangs. With all my strength i held the wolf off. He snapped and chattered his teeth. "I need to reach the broken apple cider bottle" i told myself. I squirmed from underneath the big grey wolf. Crawling toward the basket. The wolf charged. He lept into the air. "Now's my chance" i whispered. He came down on top of me. I heard a menacing cry. The big bad wolf lay on its side. Howling in pain. The smashed cider bottle impaled him. The sharp glass went right through his belly. He was dead. The big bad wolf lay there lifeless. "You should of left me alone Mr wolf. I warned you."

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