Necrozma,lunala,and solgaleo

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A black Pokémon appeared out of the portal I darted to me that's when another portal opened and a Pokémon shaped like a moon came out of it and hit the black Pokémon I recognized the move the moon Pokémon used shadow sneak a ghost type I thought what I didn't notice was it combined with the moon Pokémon The Pokémon darted to me that's when another Pokémon with a mane like a sun countered it the two Pokémon kept fighting until the moon Pokémon was released then the black Pokémon combined with the Pokémon that looked like a sun and the moon Pokémon fought it it used night daze and hit the Pokémon then it released the sun Pokémon another portal opened and they fled leaving me with the black Pokémon the Pokémon once again darted to me and grabbed me my e/c eyes filled with fear it then came apart and merged with me I could faintly hear "Y/N GET AWAY FROM THERE" I couldn't get away everything went pitch black

Word count:179 words

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