Gym challenge?

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I woke up to someone knocking on my door I walked down stairs and opened it "hey y/n!" It was hop and Leon I said "oh hey hop" he went inside without even asking so did Leon then before I shut the door a boy with orange hair and green eyes held it open and let himself in soon there were about 15 people in my living room I walked upstairs and sat on my bed I said to myself "this will be a long day" I let my dratini out and said "go keep them busy for a moment" I changed into the shirt I wore on my first day in aloha it was a bright pink shirt with blue stripes and a pair of sweat pants I walked down stairs to see raihan holding my dratini I walked to the kitchen trying not to be noticed it failed raihan said "y/n is this YOUR dratini?"I replied "uh um yes" "I've never seen a pink dratini" he said hop spoke up and said "that's because it's a shiny" "frick" I said to myself all 15 of them looked at me surprised I walked to the kitchen and hid behind the counter I keep saying to myself "the heck the heck the heck" I felt something lick me it was lux I said "you know I'm not good with people" I stood up and walked to the pantry and grabbed me a snack I was hungry then my dratini wrapped its tail around my arm I gave it some of my food that's when hop walked in he said "hey the gym leader and others want to meet you and one of them wants to battle!" I replied "okay I'm coming" I walked into the living room with had 15 other people I knew 3 so there where 12 I didn't know they all said hello and told me there names milo,nessa,kabu,bea,alister,opal,bede,melony,Gordie,piers,Marnie,and chairman rose where there names then bede spoke up and said "I would like to battle I walked outside he sent out solosis I sent out vine after a bit of battling she started to glow and evolve into serperior I won in the end with my newly evolved Pokémon I was unbeatable they left all that was left was hop,Leon,and raihan Leon then said "you should enroll in the gym challenge" I said "the what?" He gave me a letter then he left with the others I was confused.
Word count:429 words

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