Hello Galar!

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I just arrived in galar it was beautiful I got off the plane and walked out side to see a boy with purple hair running to me lux came out of his pokeball an blocked him from hitting me and making him fall instead "s-s-sorry about that"I told him I helped him up and he said "I'm hop and you are?" "Y/n"i replied "wait your that y/n!" I was confused and then another guy with purple hair came up to him hop said "lee this is the girl professor kukui told us about!" "Nice to meet you y/n I'm Leon" he said shaking my hand "Leon leave her alone" I heard he was a man with black hair and an orange bandana looking think he had a coat with spikes on the hood "oh really raihan?" He said lux growled at them I petted him so he calmed down hop said "sorry about that they always fight" and then he said "hey that's no way to talk in front of a newcomer" they both stopped and raihan walked to me "well your the one that kukui was talking about" he said I say "yes I am" he looked at me then lux who was about to bite him again I petted him to calm down and he did we talked for a few more hours then they left.

Word count:239 words

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