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Back at y/n POV
I wake up in a hospital bed alone then I see my five pokeballs I grab one and say "come out!" my shiny snivy appears "vine!" Snivy runs to me holding my are glad that I am okay I say "I'm fine vine sorry to make you worry" then the door opens and ash and the others appear he says "glad your okay y/n" I look down "I'm sorry I made you worry" Lana says "it's okay at least you're okay we forgive you" then Kiawe says "yeah your our friend we forgive you" then mallow speaks up "yeah friends forgive friends" I look up and say "after all I've done" Sophocles tells me that "friends stay together for ever!" I start to cry lily runs over and says "y/n why are you cry!" I say "I'm not sad I'm just glad you guys are there for me"then the doctor walks in and says "please give her some space" they say "we will see you tomorrow y/n!" I smile and nod then the doctor says "someone wants to speak to you then Guzma enters the room and the doctor leaves he sits on my bed at the edge and vine growls he sighed and said "look I know you hate me and I'm sorry I just got angry and I couldn't control myself"I looked at him and looked at vine to calm down and she does just that "I brought you a gift" handing me a pokeball then he leaves I toss the pokeball in the air and out appears a shiny dratini I say to myself "how did you get this?" I name it lavender.
Word count: 290 words

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