I don't want to be here

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I keep mumbling the truth then hop said "please y/n tell me truth about everything about how you only speak to your Pokémon and not people" I keep mumbling the truth until he said "fine if you won't tell me the truth then I'll force you!" He grabbed my other hand making me lean forward until he threw me on the ground and left I was now sitting on the ground lavender slithered to me and teleported me to a cliff I sat there and looked down thinking to myself "it's my fault there mad at me" then I looked up and saw the stars I laid down and fell asleep when I woke I was still on the cliff it was morning lavender was sleeping in my lap I said "why am I here?" "I want to leave" "I don't want to be here" I woke up lavender and she teleported me home I started to pack my things.

Word count:165 words

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