Totem pokemon!

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We walk in the whole place looks deserted like the sunken ship in Hoenn then me any lily both hear a roar "oh no take cover!" Lily shouts dratini comes out and uses protect then a big Pokémon jumps out causing sand to fly everywhere "lavender thanks!" I yell "gumshoosh" lily says "so that's that Pokémon" I say "it's a normal type" "does embers know any fighting moves?" Lily says "yeah but lavender seems she wants to battle" I replied "understandable" "uses dragon rush and then dark pulse" two hits was all it took gumshoosh fell I ran over and check if it was alright it got up and gave me something it was a grey crystal the Pokémon went back to the den lily ran over and said "y/n you know that's a normalium z" the multium z in my pocket started to glow a grey light I pulled it out of my pocket I was grey it stopped and the top part had a bit of grey "I guess that the multium z is powered by other z crystals" lily said "I guess we should go back and tell mr.hala" I said "yeah we should" lily and I left the site and went back to hala's kabu and opal were talking to hala "mr.hala sir it's y/n multium z it glowed and now it's a bit grey.

A/N:ha you thought cliffhanger hope you enjoyed btw the multium z is a fanmade thing it is basically the strongest one the move is called "type master destruction" or something anyways bye
Word count:269 words

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