The call

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It's been 5 months since that incident I'm fully recovered not much has happened combusken finally evolved into blaziken and luxio evolved into Luxray snivy had evolved into servine and Oshawott evolved into dewott and dratini traveled with us everything was normal until I got a call form someone he said "hello y/n it's nice to hear from you"it was Giovanni said" now you see I am going to take over aloha and make everyone bow down to team rainbow rocket!" I yell "you can't do that!" "Oh my getting angry now eh that's no way to great and old friend" Giovanni says I am silent he says "look come to ather paradise and try to stop us I dare you" I could hear giggling from behind"he said make your way through Archie,Maxie,Cyrus,Lysandre,ghetsis,and me and we will leave"I growl angry and then he says "come alone" then he hangs up.

Word count:163 words

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