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I walk to the counter and signed up for the gym challenge I walked and got my uniform on it was a short sleeved shirt with shorts to wear I walked out and the Lady said "we hope you enjoy the gym challenge" I thought "yeah with my Pokémon and there crazy abilities this will be a piece of cake" I walk to the waiting area in the stadium in motostroke when they called us in I knew all of them already so I just stand by the entrance after that is over I leave going to the apartment I rented sending out my Pokémon they went to do there own thing while I made lunch until I got a knock I watch as lavender teleported and opened it there stood all the gym leader in including Leon and hop and boy don't they look mad "haha I'm dead"I say to myself chuckling in the kitchen they walk in and lavender teleports to me "y/n where are you?" Hop says I shout back "I'm in the kitchen!" I say getting out some rice for the curry.

Word count:192 words

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