The z ring

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They all look at summer and a elder man with grey hair and crimson eyes says "ash can you take her to hala's this evening" ash nods and they all leave I'm alone again I hear "hey you let's battle"I turn around to see a child about 6 or 7 I go to a mossy rock and battle "go Pikachu" "summer!" "Summer use crunch" summer bites down on Pikachu and starts to glow then it evolved into leafeon "alright use leaf blade" I win just like that later that day ash comes to my cabin and tells me that it's time to go I follow him to a small house and see the same four people I saw before a female with black hair and purplish eyes tell me that that z ring and multium z are very rare and special "sorry for the confusion my name is Olivia" Olivia says "I'm Hapu" a young girl with black hair and purple eyes says "I'm Hala" an elderly man with grey hair and a yellow jacket says "I'm Nanu" a elderly man with crimson eyes says "that z ring and multium z are very special keep them safe" Hala tells me I nod just then I hear "gramps I'm back!" I turn around and see a boy with green hair and a decidueye by his side "hau welcome back!" Hau looks at me and says "gramps who is this?" "She is y/n a student of the Pokémon school" Hala said "oh okay then miss y/n let's have a battle!" Hau shouts "alright" I say rubbing the back of my neck I walk out side with him and he brings me to a court " go decidueye" "embers do your best!" We call out our pokemon "use spirt shackle" dodge it and use flamethrower" embers dodges it and uses flamethrower direct hit decidueye faints "go raichu" the raichu looked different never mind that "use-huh?" A crystal on the z-ring glowed "alright raichu use your z move stoked spark-surfer!"I came so fast embers was still able to battle uses high jump kick!" Raichu fainted "haha great job embers" I say "raichu return" Hau says raichu goes back into his pokeball "that ways a good battle"Hala says "thanks gramps" Hau replies "y/n that was a z move raichu's special z move to be exact" Hala said "y/n you may go home now" Olivia tells me so I walk home that's when I get a call from........

Word count:425 words

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