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Lily's POV
I watched as y/n merged with Necrozma now merged with y/n went through the ultra wormhole I was in shook that even though she was captured she was still her self just unable to control her self.
Ash's POV
Necrozma went through the ultra wormhole with y/n I was about to tell Pikachu to attack but I couldn't y/n was new and shes already gone we where all frozen.
Mallow's POV
Y/n you where just caught in a battle you are now fused with Necrozma you couldn't control it you couldn't back away it's not your fault.
Lana's POV
Just like the ocean it took over you and left your e/c filled with fear I can tell that you where trying to fight back but couldn't.
Sophocles's POV
It was so fast it came darting to you and grabbed you and left you have to fight back do it for us please.
Kiawe's POV
The fire in your soul burned out and you cannot escape Necrozma had you trapped and you can't escape I promise you we will set you free.
Guzma's POV
How stupid I am making you be feared now it my fault that your gone I should've ran and grabbed you away but I couldn't.

Word count: 219 words

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