Saving you

19 1 0

Lily's POV
We where all at our homes Guzma went back to his base we where all worried about you y/n please be safe we will try to save you that's when I got a call it was ash at the wormhole that took you he said "lily get here quick where going to save y/n"I nodded and dashed there once I got there everyone was there we all where ready and went in the ultra wormhole when we seen you you where merged with Necrozma your eyes of red and spikes float around you spikes came out of the ground almost hitting mallow I say "snowy use powder snow"snowy shoots snow at you freezing you stopping you in your tracks "vikavolt use thunderbolt" Sophocles said to his vikavolt it shocked you "Turtonator use dragon tail" Kiawe says Turtonator hits you with his tail after some battling Necrozma releases you and flys away we take you to a hospital the doctor says it will be 2 weeks for you two recover.

Word count:179 words

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