Chapter 2

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Hadley's POV

Now here I was across from the most popular Billionaire in the world. Women love him, men want to be him, and to be this close to him is crazy.

"So Hadley Jones, from Riverdale. Daughter to Forsythe Pendleton Jones Jr and Gladys Jones. Straight A Student all throughout high school, but didnt get a scholarship do to your brother's book deal money. You live in downtown Manhattan with your friend Kevin Keller, goes to NYU, works here and just lost your other job. Did I get that right?" Tony questions.

"Yes you did. Its alittle weird though." I say.

"Sorry, but I had to do a background check on who I was meeting and potentially might make something else." He says with a wink.

"Can I ask why this is something you want to do? Your well... You." I say.

"Well I am me, but I.. I dont want something serious. I do want someone to spoil, someone to talk to, and just someone to be with me so Im not alone while everyone else is gone. Now... There is one other thing on the table and that would be.. You know... Sex. That doesnt weird you out does it?" He asks.

"Surprisingly no. Your reasons dont bother me. Im guess you want to know why I did this? Well to start my friend Kevin suggested it." I say.

"Look I think I get it.. You need money and this is a way to get some. I know how this works." He says.

"Well yeah. You see if I didnt lose that job I wouldnt have done this. I have to pay my half of the bills so Kevin doesnt have to do more the half, I have to find a way to pay off my school loans, and I cant go to my dad. My dad has done alot for me money wise asking everyone he knows for help. I cant make him do that again. I cant. The last time almost drove him back to drinking I cant do that to him." I say.

"So you actually have a father who cares. Mine never did. You cant let your father fall into a dark spiral again and thats sweet. Which is what makes me want you to be the one I do this with. Only you and no one else. Can I have that same response?" He asks.

"Like what?" I ask.

"You only do this for me. Im your only Sugar Daddy and your my only Sugar Baby. This is where people leave when I ask that or the stay and go behind my back. Can I trust you?" He asks.

"Yeah. I dont need more the one." I say.

"Well them Hadley Jones, tomorrow night I have a party to go to. My friends Natasha Romanoff and her husband Steve are having a party for their fifth wedding anniversary. Join me and impress them." He says.

"If thats what you want okay." I say.

"I'll send dressed, shoes, and accessories to your apartment. You pick one and I'll pick you up 7:30PM sharp." He says.

"Okay. Sounds good. I should get home though." I say.

"I'll take you." He says.

I gathered my things and followed him out and car was waiting for him. Weirdly enough he knew where I lived, but Tony Stark isnt a creeper like the others I almost got. Once we got to my place I went to leave, but he stopped me.

"Yeah?" I question.

"Your trail is tomorrow night. You have three parts to pass and be my one and only Sugar Baby. Heres what you must do for me. One dress to impress, two impress my friends and make me look like I've picked a winner, and third be a very good girl at my apartment after." He whispers in my ear.

"Okay... I can do that." I say.

"I hope so the other have only past part one and part three. No one ever passes two. No pressure until tomorrow night." He says and kissed my neck ever so gently.

I froze for a second my heart skipped a beat and the I got out of the car and went up to my apartment. Kevin looked at me with worried eyes.

"Hads you okay?" Kevin asks.

"Tony Stark is putting me through a trail tomorrow night. If I pass all three which no one has ever done I will be his Sugar Baby." I say.

"Your going to be Tony Stark's Sugar Baby?" He questions.

"Not if I fail and to be honest with you the rumors are true. He does have a charm that can make anyone go weak." I say.

I felt like I was flying and I only just met him. Its just a Sugar Daddy Sugar Baby things. Just talking, spending time together, having things paid off, getting spoiled, and having sex. Thats all that will be if I pass. If I dont Im forever screwed.

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