Chapter 3

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Hadley's POV

Kevin and I were going through the dresses that were sent to me. Now the black pumps Tony sent were amazing and the diamond necklace was so perfect. Now the dresses are hard to pick from.

"This black one is cute, but I love the blue one." Kevin says.

"Me too. Though this red one. I cant help, but be in love with it." I say.

"Try it on." He says.

I tried it on with the shoes and the necklace and walked out.

"Well?" I question.

"Looks like Tony Stark wont be able to keep his hands to himself tonight." He says.

"Really?" I question.

"Yes really. Hads dont worry. Your beautiful on the inside and the out. You'll impress him looking like this and impress his friends by being you." He says.

"I hope so." I say

I then heading to my room to do my hair and makeup. I looked at myself in the mirror. Wow I really do look pretty. There was a knock at our door and Kevin answered it.

"Hads, Stark is here." Kevin says.

"Okay." I say.

I walked out of my room and out into the living room and there he was Tony Stark. I really hope he likes it.

 I really hope he likes it

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"Wow you look... Wow." Tony says.

"Speechless. Thats a good thing." Kevin says.

"Thanks." I say.

"Well we should get going. I'll keep her safe and she'll be with me all night. So dont wait up." Tony says.

"Just dont murder her and we'll be good." Kevin says.

"Okay. Then.. I guess we should be on our way." I say.

"Yeah. Come one Princess." Tony says placing his hand on my waist.

Tony opened the car door for me and then we were on our way. He looked alittle nervous about something.

"Are you okay?" I ask him.

"Yeah. Why wouldnt I be?" He questions.

"Cause you look nervous. Hey talk to me." I say.

"My friends are gonna be watching every move you make and focus on every word you say. They wont play nice either mostly the girls. So Im warning you they arent gonna be nice." He says.

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