Chapter 12

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Hadley's POV

Tony's birthday is today and Peter had planned a whole party. Tony is gonna love it he even had Rhodey and Happy keep Tony out all day.

"Okay everything if perfect. What do you all think?" Peter asks.

"You did good kid." Steve says.

"Yeah relax." I say.

As Peter was still freaking Steve and Pepper had to calm him down. I did a double take around Bucky walked over to me.

"Tony is a lucky man. That dress is amazing." Bucky says.

"Thanks. Hey is that sign straight?" I ask.

"I think so." He says.

"I'll fix it." I say.

I went over to the sign and I got the latter and climbed up. I fixed it and then I saw the car pull up.

"He's here everyone get ready." Peter says.

Tony's POV

I knew someone was planning something and I think that someone is Peter. Cause he was the one to tell me to go with Rhodey on his errands.

"Home sweet home." Rhodey says.

I ignored him and we walked into my place. Everyone yelled surprise and all I wanted was to see Hadley, but I didnt.

"Thanks everyone." I say.

"Lets have fun." Rhodey says.

I was greeted by everyone one by one. Then I saw her and my was she beautiful.

 Then I saw her and my was she beautiful

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"Hey you." I say to Hadley wrapping my arms around her waist.

"Hey birthday boy." Hadley says.

"So do you have a gift for me?" I ask and kissed her neck.

"Maybe..." She says and turned to face me.

"Ooh... I can throw everyone out and we could..." I say and was about to kiss her.

"Im sorry Tony, but Peter planned this whole thing for you. I promise you'll enjoy me later." She says and kisses me.

"Hadley I..." I say, but was cut off.

"Hadley some guy is outside wanting to talk to you." Happy says.

"Who?" Hadley asks.

"Archie Andrews." Happy says.

Hadley moved away from me and headed out. Who the hell is Archie Andrews?

Hadley's POV

I cant believe he is here, but why is he here though? I got downstairs and saw Archie.

"Why are you here?" I ask.

"Little over dressed for you boss arent you?" Archie asks.

"Why are you here?" I ask.

"I saw the whole Tony Stark thing five months ago and it made me crazy. Hads, please tell me the truth when I ask. Do you still love me?" He asks.

"Arch... I... Well of course I do, but Arch you cheated on me with Veronica. So yes I will always have some love for you, but I will never date you again." I say.

"I know. I just had to know if you did because Ronnie thinks we never got closure. Now I will always love you too and knowing you will still love me in someway was all I needed to know. Friends?" He questions.

"Always." I say.

He hugged me and it felt nice to let him finally go. He kissed the top of my head and then he was on his way.

Writer's POV

Tony had went to see the security camera to watch Hadley. He didnt know what was said, but the hug and kiss on her head crushed him. Maybe she is only his the Sugar Baby in her head and that killed him. He waited to long and she wont want to be his as anything more.

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