Chapter 4

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Hadley's POV

I woke up and Tony wasnt in the room, but there was a note on one of his shirts.

Morning Princess,

Last night was amazing and perfect. So put on my shirt and the heel, but nothing else, then come meet me in the living room.


I put on his shirt and the heels and then went down to his living room as instructed. When he saw me he had a smirk on his face as he came over to me.

"You take direction very well Princess and my do you look so sexy in my shirt." Tony says and pulls me close to him.

"Why thank you." I say.

He pulled me into a long and sweet kiss. His lips were so soft on mine and when he pulled away he placed his forehead to mine.

"I had Happy go and get us some breakfast." He says.

I smiled at him and I noticed he looked tired. I placed my hand on his cheek and gently stroked my thumb over his cheek.

"Did you not sleep or something?" I ask.

"I dont really sleep. I have bad dreams since the Afghanistan incident a few years ago." He says.

"Oh Im so sorry that must be horrible. So you get like bad nightmare or something?" I ask.

"Yeah, but dont worry about that. Im fine really I am." He says.

"If your sure then okay, but if you need to talk about it just let me know okay." I say.

He just kissed me and held me close to him. Then the door opened and when we pulled away there was the diver from a few days ago walking in with food. So he must be the guy Happy that Tony mentioned.

"Sorry to interrupt you Sir, but here is your food." Happy says handing the food to Tony.

"Thanks Hap. Happy Hogan this Hadley Jones. You will be seeing her alot." Tony says.

"Well okay then. If you need anything else Sir let me know and it was nice to meet you Miss.Jones." Happy says before leaving.

Tony guided me to the couch and sat down next to me. Then he was just looking at me.

"What?" I ask.

"You really impressed my friends last night. You impressed me and you looked amazing. So Princess you are now officially my Sugar Baby." Tony says and kisses the side of my head.

"You sure about that? Mr.Stark?" I question in a flirty tone.

"Oh yes baby Im sure. Im your Daddy now and your my good girl." He says and pulls me onto his lap.

"That I am Daddy." I say.

His lips were once again on mine and we forgot about the breakfast and had our own little fun. Afterwards we snuggled up together and he ran his hands through my hair.

"I can get used to this." He says.

"Me too... Oh crap I have to go." I say after seeing the time.

"Oh now? Stay with me." He says.

"I cant I have work and then I have to write my report. I need to go Im sorry." I say.

I put the shirt back on then I got up and went into the bedroom and got the dress and put it on.

"Baby dont go." Tony says coming into the room.

"I wish I could stay. I need to go. I'll see you." I say and kissed him.

I back away from him and Tony had Happy take me home. Once I got there Kevin was freaking out.

"Oh my god! Your finally home what happen?" Kevin asks.

"We had a nice night and Im officially his Sugar Baby. He didnt even want me to leave. I think he was just relived he had someone who had passed all parts." I say.

"Well good for you, but you should of texted me when you awoke. Cause I was worried about you. I know you can handle yourself and that Tony Stark isnt a crazy person, but Im still worried about you." He says.

"I know. Look I'll tell you everything later now I have to get to work." I say.

I got dressed for work and I went the Coffee Shop. I took some orders and then as I was placing books on the shelves when someone tapped on my shoulder.

"Hello there." Rick says.

"Oh hi." I say.

"So we still on for our date tonight?" He asks.

"What date? We arent dating." I say.

"Come on you know you like me." He says.

"As a friend yeah, but nothing more. Im not looking for anything right now. I want to finish these last five months of College before I even think about starting something." I say.

"You know you like me. We can have fun just us and have all the sex and then start something later." He says.

"Rick the answer is no. Please leave me alone." I say.

"Okay for now. Then I'll see you around my girl." He says and kissed my cheek.

He then walked away and I just went on with my day. After my shift I went home and saw a car out front my building and saw Happy Hogan in the front and he waved me over.

"Hi Happy what are you doing here?" I ask.

"Tony wanted me to give you his number so you two can talk." Happy say and hands me a piece of paper.

"Thanks Happy." I say.

I then went up to my apartment and decided to text Tony. Just so he could have my number.

•Tony Stark
*Hadley Jones

*Hey Mr.Stark its me Hadley. Happy gave me your number. So we can talk. If you want to talk about anything Im right here.

•Well its good to have you number Darlin' I will be messaging you alot. Tell you when we will see each other again. Where we will be going. Even texting you what I want to do to you so stay tune. If you want to talk about anything Im here for you as well okay. Oh.. by the way your bills are paid and your loans are paid off. You Honey are no longer in debt.

*Thank you Tony. So much.

•Its nothing. Hey how about tomorrow night you wear that nice silk blue dress and have dinner with me.

*I would love that.

•You would love that what?

*I would love that... Daddy.

•Thats my good girl. See you tomorrow.

End Messages

Tomorrow night Tony wants to see me again and I get to have time with him again. This is gonna work out for us all. Nothing will ruin this.

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