Chapter 10

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Hadley's POV

Tony wanted me to stay with him for a couple days and not go out. We staid at his place and we didnt talk about it cause Tony was in his lab. He wouldnt even come out and he didnt want to see anyone. After a few days I had called Happy to get Tony's friends here.

"Where is he?" Pepper asks.

"He's in the lab. He doesnt want come up." I say.

"I'll get him." Rhodey says and headed downstairs.

"How did this happen? It get being seen I do, but my name? How?" I question.

"We dont know. How are you with this whole thing?" Nat asks.

"Fine I guess, but my dad is calling me like crazy and I havent got back to him. He wants me to come home and I think I have to." I say.

I looked at my phone and my dad was still texting me still wanting me to come home. I decided to text him back and said I'll come home tomorrow with Kevin.

"You okay?" Steve asks.

"Yeah. But I need to go now. I cant let my dad keep going crazy its not fair. Tell Tony Im sorry." I say.

I went upstairs to get some of my stuff and packed my things. I called Kevin to come get me and I went back downstairs once Kevin texted me saying he was here. They were all still there and Rhodey had gotten Tony upstairs and he saw my bags and he wasnt happy.

"Where are you going?" Tony asks coming over to me.

"I need to go and talk to my dad." I say.

"And will you be back?" He asks he placing his hand on my cheek.

"Yeah. Its just for the weekend." I say.

"I promise you I'll make this go away." He says and kissed me.

I pulled away and then headed out the door. I went with Kevin and we decided to drive to Riverdale in the night. We got to Kevin's house and his dad was outside with Kevin's boyfriend Fangs.

"She isnt in the mood to talk." Kevin says.

Kevin and I walked inside and I just went into the guest room and laid down. The next afternoon I went to my families trailer.

"Dad? You here?" I ask entering.

My dad was there with my brother and they both pissed off. My dad could barely even look at me.

"You! Are not with Tony Stark! You better tell me otherwise." My dad says.

"I cant. Cause I am, but not in the way you think." I say.

"We think your sleeping with the biggest tool in the world." Jughead says.

"Woah Tony is not a tool. He is very nice and.." I say.

"We dont care. You will dump him. You will leave him and once your graduate college you will come home." My dad says.

"Im 22 years old dad I make my own choices." I say.

"Not when your wrong." Jughead says.

"Excuse me Im not doing this. You two are not ganging up on me like this." I say.

"They arent the only ones." My mom says.

"God not you. You have no say. You abandoned me. You have no say." I say.

"I do when my daughter is making a mistake." She says.

"No you dont. None of you do. I have a reason for doing this anyway." I say.

"Well we dont care. Your done with Stark." My dad says.

"No. I will not let you tell me what to do. You will not end things with Tony." I say and walked out slamming the door shut.

I started walking back to Kevin's when my dad quickly caught up to me.

"Hads your my daughter my little girl. Stark will only hurt you." He says.

"Dad you dont know Tony. He isnt bad. He helped me and still does." I say.

"How?" He asks.

"Thats doesnt matter. Its a job. Im his assistant and the news said otherwise. Im sorry I got so mad. Tony is my boss and has been so kind." I say.

"Ohh... Im sorry I just love you my little girl. I want you safe." He says.

"Dad I am safe." I say.

I gave him and hug and we talked all weekend and then Kev and I went back to New York. I had him dropped me off at Tony's. I knocked on the door and Tony opened the door.

"Hey your back. Come in." Tony says.

I walked inside and once he closed the door I hugged him tightly. I kissed his lips.

"I told my family that the news was wrong. I only work for you." I say after we pulled apart.

"Did you now? I guess I should tell the world the same and this will all blow over." He says.

"So now that we have this matter behind us... Why dont we go have some fun?" I say and kissed his jaw.

"Oh upstairs or downstairs? Where do you want my lovin?" He asks.

"I was thinking we watch a movie and cuddle on the couch, but I would love that." I say.

He smiled at me and kissed me lifting me up. We can always watch a movie after.

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