Chapter 15

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Hadley's POV

Tony hates me and Miss. Lacey has passed away and I just feel so broken and alone. I decided to just go to Riverdale and decide wether or not I want to leave New York forever.

"Sugar Baby! Really!" My dad yells the moment I get out of the car.

I said nothing to him I just went inside and my whole family was there. My mom, my sister, my brother, and following me was my angry father.

"Stop yelling. Just stop. I already feel bad enough." I say and sit on the couch.

"You feel bad! You... Hadley what happened?" He asks.

"I made a mistake dad. I joined a sugar baby site and became Tony Stark's sugar baby. I needed money help." I say.

"Okay... Um Jug, Jellybean, lets got to Pops." My mom says and the three of them left.

My dad sat beside me looking not angry just confused.

"I was in debt. My student loans, losing my second job, I needed money. I couldnt ask you for help. I just couldnt." I say.

"Sweetheart, you know I would do anything to help you." My dad says.

"I know, but the last time you helped you had to work a very long time to pay them back. You almost started drinking again. I wouldnt want to do that to you. I couldnt." I say fighting the tears.

"Oh... Honey Im sorry you felt as if you needed to protect me. Thats my job not yours." He says.

"Dad, Im sorry. I wish I never done it. I knew about Tony's son and he believes I told everyone. He thinks I hurt him and I didnt. I wouldnt. I couldnt and now he doesnt believe me, he hates me, he lied to me, and he threw over 3 thousand dollars in my face." I say.

"Okay.. Please explain the lie part. I kinda get the rest." He says.

"Oh he told me no one has ever passed his second trail. Which is to impress his friends, but there was someone who passed that level and he lied. Now I didnt talk to him because I didnt want to yell or fight I wanted to move past it before I talked to him. So he would know I didnt care about it anymore. But then the Peter thing went out and he didnt want to hear what I had to say. Im lost dad. He said he didnt care about me." I say and stand up.

"Im gonna regret asking this, but do you love him?" He asks.

Hearing him ask that broke me and so I had to just walked away into the other room.

I sat on the bed and the tears streamed down my face and my dad walked in and he just hugged me and I cried into my dad

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I sat on the bed and the tears streamed down my face and my dad walked in and he just hugged me and I cried into my dad. I wish I could hate Tony after this, but I still love him.

Tony's POV

My heart hurt my chest hurt everything hurt. No matter how hard I wanted to forget her I cant. I should, but I cant.

"Sir if you want to move on then maybe you should stop watching old security Videos of her you had me record." JARVIS says.

I said nothing clicked on another video and I felt just so sad. She looked so happy with me and it wasnt real.

"Tony? Tony?" Rhodey asks shaking my arm.

"Tony? Tony?" Rhodey asks shaking my arm

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"What?" I ask.

"This isnt healthy. You need eat, you need to sleep, need to stop drinking, and stop dwelling on this. Cause Tony if you dont start doing theres a chance you wont live much longer." He says.

"I love her Rhodes. I cant eat without her. I cant sleep without her beside me. Drinking helps it go away, but not all the way. I have never felt this way and she hurt me. Though yet I still love her." I say.

Writer's POV

Peter heard the whole thing and it crushed him.

Peter knew Hadley would never want to hurt his dad because he believe she loves him

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Peter knew Hadley would never want to hurt his dad because he believe she loves him. He was gonna fix this and find out who really did this. He wants his dad and Hadley to he happy because he can see they are in love. So he is making it his mission to fix everything. He had to cause he doesnt want to lose his father and he can only imagine how bad this must be for Hadley. He can fix this. Right?

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