Chapter 13

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Hadley's POV

Tony had began acting weird since his birthday and I dont know why. Its been weird for about a month now. He wont talk to me about it. So I decided to go to Stark industries and see if Pepper or any of his friends knew why. I walked int and some girl rammed into me.

"Oh sorry." I say.

"Thats okay... Oh your the girl that was mistakenly called Tony's girl? Harley was it?" The girl questions.

"Hadley actually." I say.

"Mia. Im guessing you have work to do, but if you could let Stark know Im here that would be great." She says.

"Look Im off today, but I'll tell him. Does he know what this is about?" I ask.

"Yeah. Its his ex-Sugar Baby wanting another chance. See I tried getting over him, but being the only one to ever pass all of his trails I thought I was worth it and I love him and I love.... I dont know if you know. Never mind... Happy Hogan! Hi." Mia says.

"Im Ms.Jones please come with me. Security please show this one out." Happy says and gestures to Mia.

"He'll want me and not that one. I know what you really are for Stark. Your his Sugar Baby, but you mean nothing to him. I was his love and he knows it." Mia says as she was forced out.

"Im sorry Hadley. I should go get Tony he will want to talk to you." Happy says.

"No. I came here to see if anyone wanted to go to lunch or something, but I have to go." I say.

I walked out quickly and put two and two together. He doesnt care about me and he lied to me about being the only one who ever passed his little trails to make matters worse Ms.Lacey is sick. Her heart has been bad for awhile now and this may be the end. All is happening to fast. I feel broken and I cant go to Tony cause he broke part of me.

Tony's POV

Working was hard, but when your friends decide to drop by for a group lunch its fun.

"Umm... Mr.Stark.. Hadley was just here." Happy says.

"Was? She left?" I ask.

"Yeah... Look that ex Sugar Baby Mia something she... She was also here. Said something to Hadley about knowing what she is to you. Saying that Hadley means nothing to you and that Mia is your love." He says.

"Mia is a horrible person. Hadley wouldnt believe her would she?" Pepper asks.

"No of course not. Hadley knows Tony cares... Well as a friend cause he is too chicken to tell her he loves her." Nat says.

"Maybe not." I say.

"What do you mean?" Steve asks.

"Tony what did you do?" Rhodey asks.

"I havent been around her lately. I cant not when the redheaded boy and her might have something. I cant do that to her." I say.

"Tony, did she say something is with her and that guy?" Bucky asks.

"She said he is just a friend, but it looked very much like love to me." I say.

"Maybe it is or maybe its not. Unless you tell her you have feelings for her she will choose the other guy. Is that what you want?" Pepper asks.

I knew it wasnt what I wanted, but I dont know if she will say those words to me.

One Month Later

Hadley has been so busy finishing school and with her job and visiting her family that I havent seen her in a month. Sure we message, but thats it. Whatever Mia said must of pushed her to that guy.

"Hey Dad. We have a problem." Peter says walking into my lab.

He put the news on and it was a story about me being a sugar daddy and an actually father.

"So Tony Stark's girl Hadley Jones is really his sugar baby. Not surprised Stark only wants Sex and she was that. But a father to a son 15 year old boy Peter Parker. Now thats a shock. He abandoned his own son and hid it for years. Now its out in the open and we have our Anonymous tip to thank. Whoever she was she seemed pretty pissed at Tony Stark. What does Tony have to say on all this. Come on Stark tell us the truth." The news lady says.

I couldnt believe it some girl mad at me told the world about Hadley and more importantly Peter. Only a small group knows and they have known all Peter's life. The only one new on it is the one that learned it 6 months ago and that person was... Hadley Jones, I cant believe I ever trusted her.

A/N: Did Hadley do it? Tell me your thoughts.

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