Chapter 17

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Tony's POV

I called a press conference to tell the world of my mistake. I hope maybe Hadley will see it and called me. I looked like a mess and I didnt want to change I wanted everyone to see just how hurt I am.

"You cant shower?" Nat asks.

"Yeah dude you smell." Steve says.

"Awww." Peter says.

"Aww? Kid are you on drugs? He looks like crap." Rhodey says.

"I know. Its gonna show Hadley just what kind of mess he has been without her. She'll come back." Peter says.

I was hoping what Peter said will be the case and if not I dont know what I'll do. I walked up to the podium and everyone was looking at me.

"Im not taking questions. I have come to say I made a mistake. Hadley Jones, she didnt tell anyone about Peter. An ex did because well Hadley lasted longer then her. Why did Hads last longer oh right because she didnt run when she found about Peter. The other one did she found out five months into being my sugar baby and left at that time. Hadley that sweet Hadley she learned about Peter at two months into it and staid for many months later. So I also want to take this time to tell Hadley that Im sorry. Im very sorry Hadley and I hope you can forgive me." I say.

I didnt even let anyone talk I walked off and right out of the building to my car now I just have to wait.

Hadley's POV

I was working in the at the Whyte Wyrm making drinks and reading a letter I didnt want to read. Ms.Lacey's shop is to be sold and changed unless the buyer says other wise so I guess moving back here is the right choice.

"Hadley, Tony apologized to you." Betty says.

"What?" I question.

She showed me the press conference and he said he was wrong. It made my heart flutter.

"Look at you eyes glowing, face smiling. Your in love and want him not as your sugar daddy, but as a boyfriend." She says.

"Shut up. Hey are you coming with Jug, my dad, and I tonight to New York?" I ask.

"Yeah. Kev has been begging me to come." She says.

After my shift we all left to New York and Betty kept playing Tony's apology. My brother doesnt think I should go back, Betty thinks I should, and my dad just wants me to be happy. I was think about it, but if I lose the Coffee Cafe and Bookstore job I'll have no job here. I'll just sleep on it.

"GET! UP!" Kevin yells at me.

"What why?" I ask.

"Your in trouble." He says.

"Look its early and I dont recall doing anything bad." I say.

"You slept with Archie last night." He says.

"What? No I didnt." I say.

He then showed me a video of me and Archie talking.

"Is it over?" Archie asks.

"Yes Arch. I still love you." I say.

"I still love you too." Archie says.

He then kissed me and we went into his house and there was moans.

(End Video)

"What the fuck is this?" I question.

"I dont know, but it looks bad." Kevin says.

"Kev that makes no sense. Im here, Archie is with Veronica, that video is from what back when we were 16, but the audio. Thats the closure we got. This is just crazy." I say.

There was a knock at the door and then my dad walked into the room.

"This came for you." My dad says.

They both walked out and I looked at the letter. I saw my name on it and I knew that handwriting.


Hadley, Im really sorry about Miss.Lacey. I knew how she was like a grandmother to you. So when I heard her place was for sale. I got it for you even though I believed you told the world about Peter. I made sure they sent you a notice later because... Well I did. Its yours Hadley, I know you love that place and I know you'll do great things. Im also happy your with someone who can truly believe you. Im so sorry Hadley. Good luck with everything.

-Tony Stark

(End Letter)

He bought me the Coffee Cafe and Bookstore and I crushed him with a video that isnt even real. I dont know what to do now. I just dont.

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