Chapter 6

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Hadley's POV

The last two months have gone by quickly and everything was wonderful. Tony made it so no one can say anything about me and our relationship. So going home was now no worries about it then I get to go back to New York and be in the arms of Tony Stark.

"Morning Darlin. Did you sleep well?" Tony asks walking in with a tray of food.

He placed it on the nightstand and I pulled him into the bed.

"I slept well, but did you?" I ask and run my thumbs under his eyes.

"No I didnt. I wanted to sleep, but I couldnt." He says.

"Tony Im worried about you. This barley sleeping isnt good for you." I say and kiss under each of his eyes.

"Oh honey I know. I just dont know what to do about it." He says.

"Hope about you lay with me and try to sleep. Im not going anywhere." I say.

"I guess I could try it." He says.

I pulled him close to me and made him lay his head on my chest. I then ran my hand threw his hair and he started drifting off into sleep. I kissed the top of his head and even drifted off to sleep myself. I dont know what happened next, but some sort of shaking. I woke up and I looked over at Tony who seems to be having a bad dream.

"Its okay Tony. Your okay. Im right here baby. Im right here." I say and kissed his head.

I rubbed his back and kissed his head and just kept trying to reassure him that everything was okay. It seemed to work to. He was relaxed and finally calmed down with his arms wrapped around me and was now sound asleep.

"Tony, where are... Oh hi Hadley." Rhodey says.

"Shhh. I got him to sleep." I say.

"Wow.. He really is asleep. I'll come back later." He says.

"Okay. Anything you want me to tell him for you?" I ask.

"No thats okay. I'll talk to him later." He says.

He walked out and I liked holding Tony in my arms. He gets to hold me and I like being able to hold him when he needs his sleep. A few hours later Tony woke up and he smiled at me.

"Well.. Well.. Well.. Look who slept." I say.

"I guess I did. Thanks to my beautiful pillow." Tony says.

"Aww Tony thats sweet. Oh Rhodey showed up." I say.

"Oh what did he want?" He asks.

"Just to talk to you. So call him up and ask him cause I need to get going anyway. I have a paper due on Friday." I say.

"Okay. I'll see you tomorrow for the Gala though right?" He questions.

"Of course. I'll see you tomorrow Daddy." I say and kiss him.

After a long and heated makeout session. I finally pulled away and headed to my apartment.

"Hey how was last night?" Kevin asks when I got home.

"Fine." I say.

"No new hickeys I see. So you didnt have sex last night?" He asks.

"No we didnt. We dont always sleep together thats not what this is. He just worked in his lab and I watched him. I remember falling asleep and then I woke up in his bed. But guess what I finally got home to sleep for a few hours." I say.

"Wow and the Gala tomorrow night are you excited?" He asks

"Yeah. It should be nice. Well Im gonna go and do my paper. Talk with you later." I say.

I walked into my room and began to work. I cant wait to go to the gala tomorrow night. I just really love spending time with the Tony Stark.

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