Chapter 11

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Hadley's POV

Things have died down about Tony and I when he said I just work for him. Everything seemed better like that drama five months ago was nothing. Seven months I have been doing this with Tony and we are happy.

"Hey, umm... Ms.Jones can I ask you something?" Peter ask walking into the kitchen.

"Peter please call me Hadley. Anyway what do you need?" I ask.

"My dad turns 36 next week and this is the first time I get to spend it with him. The other years I couldnt cause Aunt May would allow me to be with him yet.... Anyway I want to throw him a party." He says.

"Okay what do you need from me?" I ask.

"To help me keep it a secret. I dont do well with those kind of things. Especially to my dad I cant lie to him." He says.

"Okay. I'll do my best." I say.

"Also what do I get him? Can you help me with that?" He asks.

"I guess I could try and find out. Where is he anyway?" I ask.

"In the lab." He says.

"You hold tight. Im gonna go get your dad his food and coffee and I'll see what he wants." I say.

"Thank you." He says.

I grabbed the food and coffee and headed down to the lab to give Tony his stuff.

"Hey that looks good." Tony says.

"Im sure it tastes good too." I say.

"I meant you and I know you taste good." He says and winks at me.

"Yeah. Well you cant eat me now. Maybe later. Anyway your son is upstairs and was rambling on about how old your getting." I say.

"36 thats not that old." He says.

"Older then 22." I say.

"Yeah yeah yeah." He says.

"So any ideas of what you want?" I ask.

"Well, I think I can come up with a few ideas for us." He says and pulled me onto his lap.

"Okay. But what about something that not sexual. Like what about what you would want from other people?" I questions.

"Did someone ask you to do this? Was it Bucky? Was it Sam? Cause they do that you know." He says.

"No. I was just making conversation. No one asked I wanted to know." I say.

"Well.. Just in case I want nothing from anyone except you on my bed being a good little girl while I.." He says.

"Ms. Jones, your friend Kevin is calling your mobile phone." JARVIS says.

"Just leave it J. She's busy and lock the lab." Tony says and kisses me.

God he makes me feel so good and happy. I really am in love with him, but I cant tell him that.

"Sir, now that you two are done your son would like access to the lab." JARVIS says.

"Okay just let us get dress and have the bots clean up and he can came down." Tony says.

"Of course Sir." JAVIS says.

We got dress and I kissed him and went to the door.

"I'll be back baby. Im gonna make some dinner for us all. See you soon." I say and walked out.

Tony's POV

She walked off and I couldnt help, but feel over joined. Seven months with her and Im thinking of just telling her that I have feelings for her and let it go from there.

"Hey J." I say.

"Yes Sir?" JARVIS questions.

"Where's Peter?" I ask.

"He just left because May called him. Saying that his friend needed his help." He says.

"Can you play me the security camera in the kitchen?" I ask.

"Of course Sir." He says.

JARVIS turned camera on and there she was making food in my kitchen and dancing around just looking adorable. It was clear to me now what I have to do. Tell Hadley I love her before she believes that all this is is just a Sugar Daddy Sugar Baby thing. Its not and I will tell her I just need to find the right moment and the right way to say I love you.

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