Chapter 14

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Hadley's POV

I couldnt believe someone would tell Tony's secret. Telling everyone about Peter is just messed up who would do such a thing. I dont care about me being called his sugar baby. I just hope that they are doing okay. I have tried talking to Tony, but he wont answer my texts or calls.

"Did you know about Peter?" Kevin asks.

"Yeah. Im worried about Tony and Peter. Tony wont answer me." I say.

"Im sorry. I hope he isnt blaming you." He says.

"What? Do you think he would?" I ask.

Before he could say anything there was a knock at the door and Tony stubbled in clearly drunk off his ass.

"Umm I'll leave you guys to talk." Kevin says and walked out.

I went to help Tony to the couch, but he pushed my hand away and he looked at me with tears in his eyes.

"How could you?" Tony asks.

"What? Tony your not make any sense." I say.

"I trusted you and you tell the world about Peter. How could you do that? Peter is now being hounded and its all your fault." He says.

"Hold on. You dont really think I did this? Cause Tony I would never do that to you. Not ever you need to believe me." I say and went to take his hand.

For a moment he let me hold his hand and then he pulled back.

"You did this to me. You did this to Peter. Did you want more money? Here take it and goodbye you lying bitch." He says.

He threw a handful of hundreds at me and then walked out slamming the door on his way out. I fell to my knees and tears where streaming down my face.

"You okay? You've been sitting on the ground for about two hours now." Kevin says and sits beside me.

"He hates me. Kevin and my dad texted saying we need to talk and Miss.Lacey isnt gonna recover." I say crying into him.

To make matters worse Kevin had the TV on and Tony Stark showed up on the TV.

"Everyone listen I do have a son named Peter Parker. He is a good kid and I love him very much. Hadley Jones however yes she was my sugar baby, but that is over. Which is fine because I never cared about her anyway. She only wanted Money and told the world about Peter. Im done with her lies. So that bitch is gone." Tony says at his Press conference.

The TV went blank for a moment and then it went back to the show Kevin was watching. To make things even worse I got a called from the hospital and was told Miss.Lacey had passed. Today is just the worse day ever.

Tony's POV

I went down to my lab and drank as much scotch as I wanted Hadley lied to me. Hadley never cared about me. I knew she would never love me and I knew it.

"Dad? Did you really mean what you said?" Peter asks.

"Yeah kid I love you." I say.

"I didnt mean about me. I meant about never caring about Hadley." He says.

I didnt answer him cause it was to painful to answer cause I lied. I just need to forget about her and my bottle will do just that.

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