Chapter 5

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Hadley's POV

I did my report well most of it and it wasnt due until next week so I can take a break and be with Tony tonight as he wants. I didnt message Tony last night even when he wanted to I couldnt.

"Hads, your dad called me. He said you didnt answer him last night." Kevin says.

"I couldnt I had to do my report and then I had school and then I had to work. Now I have to get ready to meet up with Tony. Just get back to him and tell him I'll call him tomorrow." I say.

"Okay." He says.

I got dressed in the dress Tony wanted to see me in and I walked out into the living room.

"Well.." I say.

"Wow thats beautiful. Have fun with Stark tonight. I have work I guess I'll see you tomorrow." He says before leaving.

About an hour after Kevin left I felt upset like Tony was not coming after all. Then another hour passed and it was 9:03PM. I was going to change when there was a knock at my door. I went to open it and Tony was standing there.

"Im so sorry Im late. I had a meeting that ran long. I was gonna message you, but I got these instead." Tony says and handed me a single red rose.

"Your lucky you werent any later cause I was about to just watch TV all night." I say.

"Well now that Im here would you still go out with me tonight." He says.

"I dont know you were late Stark." I say.

"I may be late, but your beautiful. That dress looks perfect on you." He says.

"You think so?" I say and turn around for him

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"You think so?" I say and turn around for him.

"Oh yes. Shows off all the curves of your body." He says and takes my hand making me turn for him again.

"Thanks." I say.

"Shall we head to dinner?" He asks.

"Sure." I say.

We left to a very upscale restaurant. This place was very fancy and I felt very out of place. When the workers saw Tony they gave us a table immediately.

"Mr.Stark welcome back. Your normal table Im guessing. Right this way." The Hostess says.

"You okay there Darlin?" Tony asks.

"Yeah." I say.

"You sure?" He asks.

"Yeah just tired thats all. Long night last night, a long day at school, and work. So after the day I had I cant wait for bed." I say.

"No wonder you were wanting to change and watch TV. If you want to leave we can." He says and takes my hand in his.

"Well thats sweet of you to offer, but I'll be fine." I say.

"You know what lets go. We can get some food elsewhere and then go cuddle at my place." He says and helps me up.

"That sounds nice actually." I say.

We left the restaurant and he ended up just going to a fast food place and then ended up at Tony's.

"Why dont you go get changed into one of my shirts and then come back down I'll be waiting for you." He says.

"Whatever you say. Daddy." I say.

I did as I was told and when I was going to go back down when my phone went off.

Phone Call

Hadley: Hello

FP: Hey sweetie. Is everything okay?

Hadley: Yeah. Why would you think otherwise. I had a rough couple of days.

FP: Tom told me about the rent up. Why didnt you tell me?

Hadley: It wasnt by much and Kev only has one job. So thats why I didnt bother you.

FP: Well just be careful honey. If you need anything anything at all just ask. You know I'll do anything for you.

Hadley: I know dad.

FP: Well I mean it if you need anything. Im always here. I love you my sweet.

Hadley: I love you too. Bye.

End Phone Call

I walked downstairs and Tony was waiting for me and patted the seat next to him. I sat beside him and he kissed my cheek and pulled me close.

"What took you so long?" Tony asks.

"I was on the phone with my dad. When I lost my job Kevin lied and told his dad they upped the rent. Well his dad told mine and he wanted to know why I didnt ask him for help. God I feel so bad for lying to him." I say.

"Lying to him so he doesnt go to others for help and put himself into working hard to pay them back. The lying is worth it. It will be okay." He says and pulled me close.

"I just dont want him to find out about this either. This could make him feel horrible. God Im so sorry. I shouldnt be talking about all this." I say.

"Hey thats what Im here for remember. Not just date or sex, but Im also someone to talk to." He says.

I smiled at him and leaned my head on his shoulder. He was right and getting all that off my chest with someone I have come to trust so quickly. Is.. Well everything and I like it alot.

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