Ch. 1

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Jin's POV

"Taehyung please stop splashing your brother!" I scolded the young boy.

"He tooked mr quack!" The two year old retaliated, pouting at me.

"Nu huh!" The other two year old in the tub exclaimed.

I sighed, "Tae it's took, not tooked," I rubbed my temples, "and bath time is over, lets brush your teeth and get you to bed." I said, taking them out of the tub and drying them off.

"No daddy i wan' do it!" Jimin, the other two year old, exclaimed as he grabbed his shirt from me.

"Alright lets see if you can." I said as I helped Taehyung brush his teeth.

"I did it!" Jimin proudly exclaimed.

I looked over and his shirt was on backwards and his pants were inside out. I sighed a little but I couldn't stop the smile that grew onto my face.

"Good job, Minnie! Go put your clothes in your hamper and I'll read you two a story." With those words, the twins ran off into their bedroom.

I ran a hand through my hair and cleaned up the bathroom. How did my life come to this? I'm a 25 year old with two year old twins that have a deadbeat mom and I'm already a 1st grade teacher. I sighed and looked into the mirror.

"Daddy!!!!!!! Taetae wan' booty and beast stowy!" Taehyung yelled from the twins shared room.

"No! I wan' rawpanzwel!" Jimin yelled back.

I trudged into their room and looked at them both with my hands on my hips. "What if daddy picks the story tonight? How does The Jungle Book sound hm?"

Both of them looked at each other, back at me, and nodded their yes furiously. I grinned and grabbed the book off the shelf, sat on the floor in front of their beds, and began the story.

About halfway through the story I looked up and Taehyung was asleep cuddling his stuffed tiger, mr rawr, and Jimin was stucking on his thumb cuddling his stuffed bear, mr stuffy. I smiled at the sight, quietly stood up and put the book away, tucked them in properly, gave them both kisses on their heads, and left the room as I quietly left the door open a little bit.

I went into my bedroom and changed for bed. I laid down and stared at the ceiling. These days coming home to an empty bed was actually a little lonely. Don't get me wrong I absolutely love my boys more than anything, but lately I feel like something is missing, or someone.

My wife was a drug addict and she hid it very well. When I confronted her after I caught her one night shoving a needle in her arm, she told me she would do it before bedtime so I wouldnt suspect a thing. She also confessed to leaving the boys alone for extended periods of time to go out and party while I was working. Then and there was when I filed for divorce. My boys over everything.

The boys dont really ask for her because I really dont think they liked her all that much. They ask what she's doing, and when I say she went to be happier, they just continue on with their business. It's kinda sad really because they need another adult role model in their life, but I havent found that person yet.

Speaking of person, I'm bisexual. I've been with guys and girls, but married a woman. I don't have a preference or like one more than the other, I just let it happen. I just hope if it's gonna happen that it happens soon.

Namjoon's POV

"Yah! Jungkook you're supposed to eat the mashed fruit, not play with it!" I exclaimed looking at my youngest son in horror, as he was covered in mashed fruit.

He giggled at me and clapped his hands, making the food fly around him. I groaned as I was wetting a cloth to clean my 7 month old.

"Appa! Hobi took my Kumamon and wont give it back!" My 6 year old, Yoongi, yelled from the living room.

"But I had it first!" My 4 year old, Hoseok whom we all call Hobi, exclaimed back.

"It will be mine if you two cant share it!" I yelled back, cleaning off Jungkook as he gave me his bunny smile. "Oh don't you look at me like that you trouble maker." I said as I cleaned his face.

"Appa! Appa! Hobi is taking my toys!" Yoongi yelled once more.

"But I had them first!" Hobi whined again.

I groaned and looked at Jungkook who grinned at me as his doe eyes went wide and looked like saucers. I gently rubbed his head and he giggled at the small gesture. I looked at the time and went into the living room where my two oldest were bickering.

"Boys, go upstairs and take your showers. It's time to get ready for bed." I said, motioning them upstairs.

"But appa!" Hobi whined.

"No buts, now off you go or no bedtime story." I threatened. Much to their annoyed facial expressions and a huff of annoyance from Yoongi, the boys trudged upstairs.

I went and grabbed Jungkook from the kitchen and set him on the floor so I could pick up the small mess the boys created. It's not that they couldn't do it themselves, but I didn't feel like arguing with them to pick up their toys.

I can't believe that I'm only 23 with three kids. I wasn't even ever married! I had Yoongi when I was 18, Hoseok a few months after my 20th birthday, and Jungkook a few months after Hoseok's 3rd birthday. It was now April and my two oldest were nearing the end of their school year. Well, Yoongi was nearing the end of kindergarten as he had just turned 6 a month ago, and Hoseok was nearing the end of preschool. Jungkook was in daycare and will be until he turns 3.

The boys' mom left a month after Jungkook was born, saying she couldn't handle motherhood anymore. She hardly ever interacted with the boys and if she did, she was always nasty to them. They never liked her much and wasn't really that sad when she left and signed full custody over to me.

"Appa! Hobi and I want you to read us Peter Pan!" Yoongi called from upstairs.

I looked at Jungkook and grinned at him trying to grab a toy from the basket. I scooped him up, got him changed for bed, and took him upstairs.

"Alright boys, snuggle in." I said when I walked into their room.

Yoongi and Hoseok grabbed their stuffies and snuggled into their blankets, anxiously waiting the story.

"Hurry appa!" Hoseok exclaimed.

I sat on the floor as I held Jungkook and began to read to them Peter Pan. About 10 minutes into it I saw all my boys were asleep. I smiled, made sure my two oldest were tucked in properly and left them to rest.

I carried Jungkook into my room and laid him on my bed. I changed and laid down next to him as he snuggled into my chest. I smiled at his cuteness and gently covered him up.

Though I love my boys unconditionally, I wish I had that special someone with me every night. I miss cuddling someone besides my boys at night. I don't care the gender, I just want someone who loves me and my boys.

And Im determined to find that someone and when I do, I dont want to ever let them go.

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