Ch. 28

5K 232 14

6K? i wish i had 6k in my bank account, i'd buy so many dogs.




Namjoon's face paled and he froze up in his spot. I shifted nervously in the chair I was sitting in and bit my lip. There was a lot I've never told Namjoon about mine and my ex wife's relationship. I just didn't think the time was ever right and I wasn't ready to talk about it yet. He knows about how she treated the boys and her abusing drugs but I left out a really important detail.

I was 20 when my parents told me what they had done. They had gotten mixed up financially and were falling down the drain. The owners of the house said they wouldn't kick them out into the streets under one condition, I had to marry their daughter. I didn't know about this agreement until I showed up one day on a break from college. I was beyond angry when they showed the contract and everything.

I met their daughter the next day and she was a royal bitch. She was snotty and extremely spoiled. It was like she always had a stick up her ass or something. Her voice was high pitched and annoying. We were to be married two weeks after meeting and I never wanted to throw up more. I kept telling myself that it was for my parents, but that didn't really make it any better.

I wasted my life for 3 and a half years. We could only divorce if there was abuse or something traumatic happened. My parents wanted grandkids so that's what we gave them. The sex was awful and the worst I've ever had. The only good thing that came out of our relationship was my twins. I had them two months before my 23rd birthday and they're my entire life. My ex and I divorced just a month after their second birthday. I never regretted it ever.

"What do you mean you have to testify in court?" Namjoon asked, wiping his hands and looking at me.

I sighed, "Joonie, there's some things I've never told you about my past relationship..."

"Okay, go on." He urged.

I bit my lip nervously, "Can we talk about this tonight? The boys will be late for school and I have a meeting that starts at 8:30."

He just sighed, "Okay. But as soon as the boys go to bed, we're talking about it."


But it wasn't really okay. Time flew as we all got ready and kissed each other goodbye.


Through the whole meeting my stomach was in knots and I just felt really sick. Soon enough lunchtime rolled around and Yoongi came skipping into my office.

"Hi daddy!" He chirped.

At least one of us is in a good mood.

"Hi Yoongles. How is your day?" I asked, patting his head.

He climbed into his usual seat and got his sandwich out, "Really good. I played with number blocks today during math time. Subtracting and adding big numbers is hard."

I nodded, "I was never good at math. I could write and read just fine, but math and science were not my best subject."

"Appa says that if I could do math and english really well I would have too much power." He giggled.

I smiled a little bit, "Your appa is something else."

He nodded, "Hey daddy?"

"Yes buddy?"

He figited, "Why do you look sad?"

I looked at him, "I just have a lot on my mind."

"Oh...Do you want happy cuddles?"

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