Ch. 23

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Ahhhhh!!!! Thank you so much for 2K 🥺🥺🥺💜 also there is smut in this as a celebration. ya welcome beaches.

Namjoon POV

It's now the weekend after Christmas and Jin and I were cuddling on the couch. The kids were in bed so him and I were having a high quality cuddling session. I was laying back on the couch while he laid on top of me with his head in my neck. We were watching Father of the Year on Netflix with Korean subtitles (yall this movie is hilarious). I was gently combing through Jin's hair as I watched.

Everytime something funny happened in the movie, Jin's laugh would ring quietly through the living room. I loved his laugh, it was so squeaky and music to my ears. I could feel his chest vibrate whenever it happened and it tickled a little bit.

Jin and I have been having trouble with time to ourselves. Between the kids running around and us being exhausted at night after the kids go to bed, I've been deprived of my Jin. Since neither one of us have work again until after New Years, we've been making the most of our time together at night.

We had a big blanket covering us and the room was pitch black but lit up with the tv playing. I was half paying attention to the movie and half paying attention to him. We decided that we would wait awhile to get married but I had already started referring to him as my husband to my therapist. It just felt right.

Jin and my eomma got along very well. Taehyung and Jimin absolutely loved going over there on Christmas. My appa showed Jimin a bunch of stories and Taehyung was helping my eomma pack up cookies. Jin and my parents talked a lot about Jin's job and his little family. It was just so right having them all there together as a family.

"Hey Joonie?" Jin asked, shifting in my hold.

I loosened my grip, "Hm?"

"All the kids are asleep." He stated.

"Mhm, they have been for an hour." I said back.

He reached up and nipped my ear, "It's been awhile."

I bit my lip and smirked, "Yes it has."

"Why don't we take a late night shower...Hm?" He whispered in my ear.

He climbed off of me and slipped his shirt off. He walked off while swaying his hips. My mouth practically watered. I quickly turned off the TV and followed him up to our room. I could hear the water already going. I closed our bedroom door and stripped my clothes. I walked into the bathroom and slipped into the shower.

"You're gonna get punished for teasing me like that, baby." I growled into his ear.

He giggled, pressed himself against my growing erection. "Then punish me.....daddy."

I felt my dick twitch as I pinned him against the wall of the shower. I attacked his lips roughly and he moaned. I shoved my tongue into his mouth as I pinched and twirled his nipples. He was moaning and his hands were tugging at my hair. I moved from his lips to his neck were I was roughly kissing and nipping at. The whimpers coming out of his mouth were making me painfully hard.

"As punishment, you're not allowed to cum until I say." I growled into his ear.

He whined a little and bucked his hips up, "I want you inside me."

I smirked against his neck and turned him around so his front was against the wall. I started to wet my fingers under the water and then shoved two in at the same time. He moaned and started to rock himself on my hand. I reached around and started to stroke him painfully slow. He was moaning and whining. Fuck he looked so hot.

I pulled my fingers away and replaced them with my cock. He moaned and rolled his head back. I reached around and wrapped my hand around his throat. He moaned and I started to pound into him. I could tell he was trying to keep quiet so I pulled out and turned him around. I picked him up by his thighs and held him up against the shower wall. I thrusted into him again and it hit him dead on.

"Fuck Joon..." He moaned.

I stopped all movement and grabbed his chin, "That's not my name."

I snapped my hips forward and he let out a choked moan, "Ah daddy.."

I smirked, "Good baby."

I started to abuse his spot and I could tell he was getting close. I slowed my pace and he started to whine and try to grind himself against me. I was leaving small hickeys on his gorgeous collarbone and let him down. I sat on the shower floor and pulled him down. I placed him on my lap and grabbed his throat gently.

"Ride my dick baby. Show daddy how much you wanna cum." I growled.

His eyes were clouded with lust as he sunk down on me. He started to rock and his head fell back. He looked so hot as he bounced on top of me. I reached around and started kneading his beautiful ass. I slapped it and he jolted.

"Im gonna cum. Please let me cum daddy, please let me cum." Jin moaned out, rocking faster on my dick.

I suddenly laid him down and got between his legs. I grabbed his face and kissed him deeply. I pulled away and grinned at him.

"Beg for it." I demanded.

I started pounding into him and he was a moaning mess. I pinned his hands above his head and kept switching pace.

"Fuck I love your dick...Fuck me harder...Make me cum all over myself...Please let me cum daddy." He moaned out.

"Since you asked so nicely."

I smirked and started to quicken my pace. I was close too but I refuse to cum before him. His breathing started to quicken and he started clenching around me. One last snap of my hips and he lost it. He shook and came all over himself.

"Holy fuck daddy yes!" He moaned out as he relased.

It was the hottest thing I had ever seen. I started to thrust again as I milked his orgasm. I grabbed his throat and started pounding into him again as I chased my own orgasm. He moaned out from the overstimulation.

"Fuck baby you're gonna make me cum so deep inside you. You like it when daddy cums inside of you don't you baby?" I growled into his ear.

"Yes daddy! Fuck cum inside me so good." Jin moaned out. "Fuck I'm gonna cum again!"

One last thrust and I came deep inside of him. He came at the same time and it was more intense than the first time. I moaned as I milked both of our orgasms. I pulled out and helped him up.

"Shit baby that was mind blowing." I said, starting to clean him up.

He giggled, "Very mind blowing."

I grabbed his face and kissed him gently, "I love you, you know that?"

He kissed my nose, "I love you too."

We finished our shower and put on our pajamas. Jin beat me to bed so I plugged my phone in and climbed on top of him. I buried my face into his neck and planted small kisses there. He stroked my hair and rubbed my back gently.

"You make me the happiest man in the world." I mumbled, bumping my nose with his neck.

He kissed my forehead, "You're the sweetest thing in the world. My little baby."

"Oh I'm your little baby?" I asked, looking up at him amused.

He smirked and nodded, "You act like my little baby. Always wanting kisses and cuddles and me to make you food because it tastes better if I make it. My little baby."

"But your food tastes the best!" I whined, burying my face in his neck.

He kissed my head, "I know Joonie baby, I know."

I snuggled as close as possible to him as if I was going to lose him. We laid there in comfortable silence just enjoying each others company. I held him tightly as if I were afraid he was going to leave me or if he was upset with me.

I never want to let him go.

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