Ch. 12

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Trigger: Mention of rape and abuse. You have been warned. This scenario is clearly not true and is only used to write a story. If you have suffered from this, you are not alone. Please seek help and do not suffer in silence. 💜


I looked at Minji with a horrified look on my face. How could somebody think a horrible incident like that was funny? How could another human being think that it was okay to just let it happen? How could someone do that to someone else? I didn't get it and I probably never will. It was disgusting and made my heart hurt for Namjoon.

I knew there had to be a reason why Namjoon was so stiff when it came to physical affection with me. I knew there had to be a reason why he was so hesitant to hold my hand but was so quick to comfort me when I was freaking out. I knew there had to be a reason why he sometimes got scared when we went out together in public. I knew about Minji hitting him but he didn't seem to be affected by that anymore. I expected it to be some sort of social anxiety thing or he just didn't like to be touched. But this? I would've never guessed.

I felt incredibly sad for Namjoon. He was the most sweetest guy I have ever met and was just amazing. He was funny, smart, good looking, gentle, so amazing with his kids. He was always putting us before him and making sure we knew we were loved. I couldn't imagine anyone wanting to hurt him. He was just so...soft. I had never seen him like that before. He looked so traumatized and broken. It broke my heart.

My blood started to boil. If she wasn't a girl I would've beat the living daylights out of Minji. The satisfied look on her face pissed me off even more. Now I get why Namjoon made her leave and got custody of the boys. She was garbage.

"Get. Out." I spat.

She waved, gave me the finger and opened the door. "He didn't know about the video until it was posted to the school's website. Everyone saw it. Honestly, he's not even that great in bed. He's useless. Who would want someone used and disgusting like that?"

"I do. I want him and no one else. He is the best god damn father I have ever seen. He's kind, he's gentle, he's smart, and he's the best thing to ever happen to me!" I exclaimed.

"You'll get bored of him, trust me." She spat and then left.

I immediately went to the bathroom and knocked on it a few times. I didn't get a response and tried opening the door but it was locked. I quickly got to work trying to find something to pick the lock. I found a paper clip and a mini screw driver. I picked the lock and successfully opened the door.

I walked in and saw Namjoon sitting in the tub shaking and rocking back and forth. My heart sunk as I saw his tear covered face all red and full of anger and anxiety. I sat outside of the tub and just watched him. I didn't know what to do or say. Should I hold him? Should I hold his hand? Should I let him cry? Do I talk him down? Do I wait for him to talk? I didn't really know.

I hesitantly reached my hand out and grabbed his hand. He didn't really react at first but slowly gripped my hand. He cried harder and I started to tear up. It was so hard for me to see him so broken and not know what to do about it. I so bad wanted to pull him out of the tub and cradle him in my arms. I wanted to pour my heart out to him and let him vent to me. I wanted him to talk to me, but I knew he couldn't right now.

He lifted his head up and looked at me. His eyes were dark red and swollen. His face was also red and covered in tears. My heart broke even more. He was shaking as he climbed out of the tub. What I didn't expect him to do was to pull me out of the bathroom and up the stairs to his bed room. I peeked into Yoongi's room and saw the boys all cuddled up watching a movie on Hoseok's tablet slowly nodding off.

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