Finding out

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Ruby was sitting in the ambulance station nearly close to an hour after Violette's death on the step of the ambulance when Lev walked in holding Harmony. He walked over and Ruby stood up tucking her tissue into her pocket. She took her from his arms and and smiled at her sympathetically turning her back on Lev so he couldn't see her tears. "I'm sorry" she whispered to the baby just loud enough so Lev could hear. He felt like crying he felt so awful for her. She sat back down on the step holding Harmony and Lev just stood watching Ruby just crumbled. Tears fell down her face. "I'm so stupid" she cried quietly Lev walked over and sat down next to her "none of this is your fault" he said she nodded crying "I'm a terrible sister Lev" she cried "no, no your not" he said putting his arm around her "come on" he said "I know it feels like the end of the world now I do but I promise it's going to get better" he said "is it?" She cried he nodded "I promise" he said "come on" he said hugging her she just cried into his shoulder holding harmony between them. "I'm going to put the kettle on alright, and then we're going to sit have a cup of coffee with loads of sugar and talk, because that's something we don't do enough of, we have to talk about our problems" he said she nodded sitting up and wiping her eyes holding harmony close "have you not got kids to go home to?" She asked looking up at him he nodded "well, I don't think I'm going home tonight" he said "what?" She asked "Faith had an affair, I found out" he said Ruby didn't know what to say "all this time I've been crying and your hurting too!" She said "Ruby there's a difference yours is much worse" he said "do you want a cry?" She asked cracking a small smile he smiled "that's the Ruby we all know and love" he smiled she nodded. "Come on" he said taking his hand off of her shoulder and standing up she stood up with Harmony and walked into the staff room following Lev. She sat down on the sofa and lied harmony down in her car seat that was sitting in the staff room. Lev passed her a mug of coffee and sat down with her "lives can crumble pretty quickly" she said "can't they just" he replied. "Where are you going tonight?" She asked looking up at him "I don't know, I'll pop round to the premier inn see if they have a room" he said "i didn't even argue with her, just didn't know what to do couldn't believe what she had done, I still can't" he said "I'm sure it was a mistake" she said "that's what she said, I love her Ruby but somethings changed now, I don't feel the same about her, I can't understand why she did it, she could of just come home to me" he said Ruby nodded "I am sorry Lev" she said "it's not your fault" he smiled she smiled "there's a smile we want back" he smiled she smiled slightly "all you need to do is help someone else" he smiled she nodded "just a shame I couldn't help my own sister" she said Lev held her hand and she looked up at him "she came to me for help Lev and I couldn't help her" she almost cried "she didn't come to you for help, she's not your responsibility Ruby, she came to share her news to be with someone when she went into labour and you were there for her" he said she looked up at him and he looked back at her for a minute the world was silent until Harmony started crying. Ruby turned around and walked over to her car seat picking her up "we're going to be alright me and you, I promise" she said Harmony calmed down Ruby put her back in her car seat "why don't you come and stay in my spare room tonight?" Asked Ruby Lev looked at her "I can't ask you to do that" he said "you weren't asking I was" she said "and if you can deal with baby tears I'd quite like some company for the night" she said Lev nodded "thank you" he said "is your car here?" She asked "no, Faith drove" he said "come on" said Ruby he picked Harmony up in her car seat and carried her out to the car and Ruby strapped her in the back "does Faith know where you are? More for the kids sake" said Ruby "no, I'll go home in the morning I'll just text her, tell her I'm not coming back" he said she nodded "I was going to say forgive her but I'm all honesty I don't think I could forgive someone who did that to me" she said Lev nodded "do you know what hurt the most?" He asked Ruby looked at him "the thought that I wasn't good enough" he said Ruby pulled out onto the main road and held her hand out. Lev put his in hers "you are, we all are, aren't we? We just sometimes do things, said things we probably shouldn't have, we have regrets we're human" she said Lev nodded "I want to forgive her but I just don't feel what I did for her not after that, I didn't think she'd do that" he said Lev just kept hold of her hand "you might have to do my gears if your going to keep hold of me" she half smiled Lev smiled and did the gears on the car Ruby turned to face him as she pulled up "I'm sorry you had to go through that" she said he nodded "I'm sorry you had to go through what you did today too" he said she nodded tears filled her eyes "Violettes going to watch us, make sure I don't make any mistakes with you, ah harmony" she smiled looking over the seat at a babbling baby Lev smiled and wiped Ruby's tears with his thumb "are you going to adopt her?" He asked Ruby nodded "of course I am" she said Lev smiled "come on its freezing" said Lev getting out he got harmony out and Ruby opened the door and let them in. "Right" she said "life goes on" she said taking a deep breath and picking Harmony up from her car seat "let's take you to bed" she smiled at the little baby walking upstairs. Ruby put Harmony to bed "she's usually pretty good now she only wakes up once or twice" she said walking back down Lev nodded "it's fine I've got three of them" he smiled Ruby nodded and walked into the kitchen putting the kettle on she sat down at the table and put her head in her hands "it's been a long day, why don't you go to bed?" Said Lev rubbing her back "I want, I just wanted everything to work out okay" she said "It will, everything will be okay, it has to be" he said she shook her head "nothings ever been okay in my life, the only thing that's ever gone well was school, uni my qualification" she said "I don't have any family Lev, I don't have anyone, my mum wants nothing to do with me, my dad, I don't even know who he is and now my sister, she's gone" she cried "yes, yes you do have family!" He said sitting down "you have harmony who from now on is going to be the most important person in your life, she's your little girl" he said she shook her head crying "she's not" she cried "either way she's still your niece which makes her family, and me, I'm here, always for you and for Harmony, I promise" he said "and my girl, when she's bigger she's going to be the best babysitter for that little one" he smiled Ruby cried and smiled all at once and Lev just pulled her close rubbing her back "just cry it out" he said rubbing her back.

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