Ringing Iain

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Ruby was sitting on the bed when Jan walked in "hello" smiled Jan "hi" said Ruby putting her phone down. "I've just had a call from someone who wants you to give them a FaceTime" she smiled sitting down "who?" She asked "Iain" she smiled Ruby didn't know what to say she just smiled. "Give him a FaceTime he's waiting" she smiled Ruby picked up her phone and rang Iain "I'll leave you for a minute" she said Ruby nodded as she walked out. "Hi" smiled Iain "hi" she smiled back "I heard there was a bit of an accident, and judging by the setting you look like the patient" he said she nodded "I'm just waiting on my X-ray results" she smiled "I leave you for 10 minutes" he smiled she smiled tears in her eyes "I miss you" she said "well thats what I wanted to tell you" he said "I'm coming back for 2 weeks to see you all" he smiled she smiled "Iain that's amazing" she smiled just then Will walked in "sorry one second" said Ruby Will sat down "no broken bones, a couple of bruised ribs but nothings broken" he said she nodded "can I go home please?" She asked he nodded "just no working until your better, you'll know when your ready to work" he smiled she nodded just then Jan walked in and Will headed out "I'm fine" smiled Ruby to both Iain and Jan they both smiled and Jan looked at Iain "hurry up and get over here!" Said Jan he smiled and nodded "I'll be 2 hours, I'll meet you at the station" he said she nodded "I can't wait" she smiled he smiled and they said their goodbyes. Ruby smiled getting all excited and Jan hugged her "I told you he wouldn't stay away too long!" She smiled hugging her gently "I've missed him Jan" she smiled "I know you have" she smiled. "Anyway come on, let's get you sorted, get you home, get you changed and back here for Iain without, well... looking quite as rough" she smiled Ruby nodded and signed her discharge papers and Jan helped her up "steady on that ankle for a few days" she said "it honestly isn't as bad as I thought" she smiled Jan nodded and they walked out together slowly. They walked down to the ambulance station and Jan made her a coffee. "Do you need to go home for anything, or have you got all of your stuff here?" She asked "I've got clothes in my bag" she smiled "right well, jump in the shower through there and get changed and then we will patch you up" she smiled Ruby nodded "okay, thank you Jan" she said Jan smiled "go on" she said. Ruby had a shower and walked into the room next to it, kind of like an en call room for them and Jan knocked on the door "rubes I've got your bag here" she said Ruby opened the door standing with a towel around her "thank you" she said as Jan passed it to her and she put it on the floor "what's up lovely?" She asked "nothing I just moved too fast and my ribs hurt a bit" she smiled Jan nodded and walked away as Ruby got dressed. She walked out 10 minutes later and Jan smiled standing up "right now, let's patch you up" she smiled Ruby sat down on the sofa and Jan picked up a wipe, she wiped her scraped face and the cut on her cheek and pushed her hair out of her face. "You look beautiful" she smiled Ruby smiled "I look a mess" she said "and I can't put any makeup on because my face has more cuts than intact skin" she said Jan smiled "Iain doesn't mind, he just wants to see you" she smiled Ruby nodded "I just want to see him" she said Jan smiled they sat drinking their coffee and talking when Iain walked in. Ruby didn't say anything for a minute, Jan stood up and hugged him "we've missed you!" She said he smiled "I've missed you too" he smiled she let go of him and Ruby stood up and walked towards him he wrapped his arms around her and she smiled in his chest "I've missed you so much" he said rubbing her back gently she smiled "I've missed you too" she smiled tears in her eyes. He pulled away and looked at her "I can't leave you for 5 minutes can I" he laughed she smiled and shook her head hugging him again. Lev walked in and Jan smiled at him "Lev this is Iain, Iain Lev, Ruby's partner" she smiled Iain shook his hand "hi mate" he smiled "nice to meet you" Lev looked at Ruby and smiled and then walked out. Jan followed him. "Ruby and Iain are best friends, they always have been always will be but there's nothing more going on between those two" said Jan "me and Ruby, we agreed to forget that night, it was a mistake, we both aren't right for each other, not under the circumstances anyway, they look happy, don't bring me up" he smiled Jan smiled "she is best friends with Iain and nothing more" she smiled walking off. Lev headed back up to the hospital to Luka. Iain looked at Ruby "so rubes how did this happen?" He smiled stroking her face "car exploded I got sent flying" she smiled "what were you doing in an exploding car?" He asked "the little girl was 6 her seatbelt was stuck I couldn't leave her" she said Iain smiled "I want to come back and work with you" he said she smiled "I work with Lev now" she said "is he nice?" She asked Ruby nodded "he looks after me, his sons really poorly he has a brain tumour and they couldn't remove it all, he's 7 Iain" she said he sat down on the sofa and she just stood looking at him. "His wife cheated on him and he's so lovely" she said Iain nodded "it's those lovely people that get it hard in life" he said she nodded tears in her eyes Iain held out his arms and she sat down next to him and he put his arm around her "it will work itself out" he said she nodded "I hope so" she said. "There's one more thing" she said a second later "what's that?" He asked looking at her "I woke up with him other day" she said Iain didn't know what to say "you slept with him?" He asked she nodded slowly "I don't know what's happened to me Iain" she said taking a deep breath "I heard about Violette" he said Ruby nodded "that's what's happened to you" he said holding her hand she nodded "I think your right" she said tears in her eyes "I had her baby, Harmony" she said Iain nodded "and your mum took her?" He asked she nodded "jan told me" he said Ruby lent into his side "she came here and..." she started "I know I'm not mum material I really do but... she told me I wasn't the maternal type that I never have been but I love her, she is my world and now she's been taken away" she cried Iain held her tightly "do you want me to stay for a little while longer than I was going to?" He asked "no, no you've got a job to do" she smiled "so have you, and you can't do it if your grieving" he said she nodded "I'll be fine" she smiled "where are you staying?" She asked changing the conversation "the premier inn" he smiled "that's going to cost you a fortune for 4 nights" she said "not cheap" he smiled "stay with me" she smiled "I've got a spare room" she said he smiled "if anything I'd quite like the company I'm a bit lonely without Harmony keeping me up" she smiled Iain smiled and wiped her tears "I've missed you" she said he smiled and hugged her again "I'd like your company while I'm here" he smiled she smiled and nodded "thank you" she said he smiled "no thank you" he smiled.

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