The evening.

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Ruby and Lev stood up of of the chairs "are you tired do you want me to go and set up your room now?" She asked tears still in her eyes  he shook his head "I want to stay with you, make sure your okay because your not are you?" He asked she looked at him and shook her head "why don't we just sit on the sofa work doesn't need us tomorrow or anytime soon" he said she nodded "I'm going to get changed first" she said he nodded and smiled at her as she walked upstairs. She put her pyjamas on and walked back down sitting on the sofa with Lev and passing a blanket to him he smiled and pulled it over them both "I really think you should be with your kids" she said "I'll go back tomorrow" he said she nodded and Lev put his arm around her and soon they were both fast asleep.

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